- KIB450 – Kingdom Spiritual Hygiene
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
The Word has much to say about the believer keeping himself pure and being cautious of those to whom they submit themselves for personal ministry. We will examine the need for sanctification, dealing with generational tendencies, and proper protocols for both the prophetic ministry and the laying on of hands. The Remnant must be grounded in Kingdom protocols to be prepared for the days ahead.
Link to the Tucker Carlson interview with Calley and Casey Means:
Void Earth: Cataclysm Before Genesis DVD
Just how old is this planet, Earth—and what early catastrophe occurred under satanic influences that made this initial paradise an “uninhabitable wasteland of chaos,” as the true meaning of Genesis 1:2 teaches? What insight can we glean from ancient archeological sites such as Baalbek, Gobekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe, and Tiahuanaco regarding the worship of a serpentine “god”? What occurred during the primeval war between Yahweh on one side and Satan or Lucifer and his host of fallen angels on the other?
…And how does the answer to these questions provide Christians with one of the most important evangelical tools to reach the lost in today’s world?
Join our scholars for a simple guide through Earth’s earliest era and discover why the
“age of Earth debate” is, perhaps, one of the most critical witnessing tools in human history, and it’s never been more important than it is RIGHT NOW.
Experts Featured in This Blockbuster Film:
- Dr. Thomas Horn
- Donna Howell
- Joe Ardis Horn
- Derek Gilbert
- Gary Stearman
- Dr. Michael K. Lake
Publisher: Defender Investigative Films
Film Length: 90 Minutes
Format: DVD
Donation: $29.95
Online Store Link: https://store.biblicallifeassembly.org/Void-Earth-Cataclysm-Before-Genesis-DVD_p_75.html
Dr. Michael K. Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary. He is the scholar-in-residence for the Strategic Remnant Learning Center – Biblical Life Assembly. Dr. Lake is the author of the best-selling books “The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition,” “The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell,” “The Kingdom Priesthood: Preparing and Equipping the Remnant Priesthood for the Last Days,” and “The Kingdom Warrior: Full-Spectrum Spiritual Warfare 1.” He is a popular speaker at national Christian conferences and is a frequent guest on many Christian TV and radio/podcast programs in North America.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side-by-side with her husband in ministry for over 40 years and is the author of the book “What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.”