Enigmatic statesman Sir Francis Bacon is shrouded in mystery. Hidden from the view of the uninitiated, Bacon and his Knights of the Helmet were the driving force behind William Shakespeare and the artistic language of the King James Version of the Bible. Although the final version of the KJV stayed true to the work of the deeply devoted Christian men who labored tirelessly to create the original draft of the KJV Bible, Bacon’s group produced the “Shakespeare” effect and encoded Bacon’s name into the text. Shakespeare and the KJV Bible transformed the English language and enabled Great Britain to become the superpower of its day.
Tag: prophetic word
🔥 The Battle Against Mystery Babylon in 2025: Questioning Everything and Finding Truth | KIB 465
In this episode, we discuss:
✅ The increasing ranks of resistance against Mystery Babylon worldwide 🌍
✅ The significance of biblical foundations and how deception has infiltrated Christianity
✅ The power of prayer & spiritual warfare against enemy schemes 🛡️
✅ Exposing hidden agendas in world systems, including the Roman Catholic Church & Freemasonry
✅ The importance of biblical feast days and rejecting pagan traditions
✅ Prophetic warnings about spiritual battles unfolding NOW!
KIB450 – Kingdom Spiritual Hygiene
The Word has much to say about the believer keeping himself pure and being cautious of those to whom they submit themselves for personal ministry. We will examine the need for sanctification, dealing with generational tendencies, and proper protocols for both the prophetic ministry and the laying on of hands. The Remnant must be grounded in Kingdom protocols to be prepared for the days ahead.
KIB 349 – A NOW Kingdom Moment
God has been awakening and preparing the Remnant. This awakening by God was not for the sake of the Remnant but for the sake of His great name! For many of the Remnant, now is the time of activation, moving in both the ways of God and in the power of the Kingdom. Dr. Lake shares a powerful prophetic word given to him by the Holy Spirit for this season.
KIB 201 – Steadfastness vs. Stubbornness: The Coming Holy Spirit-Empowered Attitudinal Adjustment
KIB 196 Transition in the Kingdom: Now the Work Begins
KIB 139 – The Prophetic Word and Spiritual Warfare
KIB 139 – The Prophetic Word and Spiritual Warfare Kingdom Intelligence Briefing On this podcast, Dr. Lake and Mary discuss the importance of speaking the words that God gives us in relation to spiritual warfare. Dr. Lake expounds on Revelation 12:7-12 and how the testimony of the saints and their obedience to the Kingdom overcomes […]
KIB 30 – Rebuild and Expand
Rebuild and Expand Kingdom Intelligence Briefing – Episode 30 Now after several special edition interview episodes, Dr. Michael K. Lake (author of the Shinar Directive and Chancellor of Biblical Life College and Seminary) is getting back to teaching the Word. In this episode, he picks up where he left on in episode 26 – Repair. […]
Digging Deeper into the Prophetic Word for this Season Part 1: Repair.
Digging Deeper into the Prophetic Word for this Season Part 1: Repair. KIB Episdoe # 26 Digging Deeper into the Prophetic Word for this Season Part 1: Repair. In the Fall of this year, God gave a prophetic word to Dr. Lake: Repair | Rebuild | Expand. This is the Kingdom word for this hour! […]