We are in a season of Kingdom development. This is true, whether we are developing faith in the Kingdom to overcome Watcher technologies in our day or building God’s wall of protection and spiritual growth in our lives. Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake share important insights in the tactics of the enemy, how to overcome them through Kingdom principles, and the biblical dynamic of determination and consistent growth in our lives, as well as the function of the fire of God in this process.
Month: May 2019
The Scroll of Destiny: Dr. Lake on Remnant Restoration Now You See TV
KIB 214 – Preparing for the Fire of God
Shavuot is just a few weeks away. Between Jesus’ ascension and the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, there were ten days in which the disciples tarried in Jerusalem. These faithful followers of Jesus were doing more than just hanging out in the Upper Room eating donuts and drinking coffee: They were preparing their hearts for the fire of God! Dr. Mike and Mary Lou Lake discuss how the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel is a perfect example of preparing for the fire of God and all that goes along with it. Now is the time to prepare and be open to what God is going to do next!
Can The “MARK” Be Reversed? What YOU Need To Know…Dr. Michael Lake and David Heavener
KWR008 – The Game of Gods
What if I told you that the Luciferian Elite take the Word of God more literal than you do. They believe in the Genesis 3 story, but with a twist. They want the promise of the Nachash rather than the promise of God. They want to be gods, to decide for themselves what good and evil is, to be masters of meaning and destiny, and to create a new paradise on the earth without the Creator. This belief fills the halls of the United Nations and nearly every seat of power on the planet.
KIB 213 – The Prophetic Wrestling with God
In this episode, Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake discuss Jacob’s wrestling with God (Gen. 32:22-30) and how it prophetically speaks in our day to Israel, America, and the individual believer. This wrestling not only involves God but Principalities and the Mystery Religions. This session is indeed a word in season for both the weary believer and those viewing end-time prophecy.
Passover, the Lamb of God, and the Scroll of Destiny Part 4
There are those that say that there are no mysteries in the Word of God. Yet from the beginning, God’s plan was hidden from all. A key to understanding one of the major mysteries is to follow the lamb: from Abraham to Passover to the Cross . . . and even beyond! What started in Abraham leads to Revelation 5 and the Scroll of Destiny. Hell does not understand it, but you will in this four-part mini-series!
Passover, the Lamb of God, and the Scroll of Destiny Part 3
There are those that say that there are no mysteries in the Word of God. Yet from the beginning, God’s plan was hidden from all. A key to understanding one of the major mysteries is to follow the lamb: from Abraham to Passover to the Cross . . . and even beyond! What started in Abraham leads to Revelation 5 and the Scroll of Destiny. Hell does not understand it, but you will in this four-part mini-series!
KIB 212 Laodicea in La La Land and the Need to Break Free
The effects of mind control on our society are more apparent now than ever before. Dr. Lake expounds on 2 Corinthians 4:1-4 and how it relates to our current state. Mary shares another victory in the Kingdom of God over the evil territorial entities governing our land. They discuss how important it is for every believer to be aware of what the enemy has done to ensnare the younger generations and how we can pray to overcome what the kingdom of darkness has already accomplished. Almighty God is going to break the shackles, free minds and restore our children so they can fulfill their divine destinies and become great fighters in the faith, bringing in a great harvest of souls.
Passover, the Lamb of God, and the Scroll of Destiny Part 2
There are those that say that there are no mysteries in the Word of God. Yet from the beginning, God’s plan was hidden from all. A key to understanding one of the major mysteries is to follow the lamb: from Abraham to Passover to the Cross . . . and even beyond! What started in Abraham leads to Revelation 5 and the Scroll of Destiny. Hell does not understand it, but you will in this four-part mini-series!