Raising Up the Remnant Conference starts in two days! If you have not registered for the video streaming of the conference, now would be a great time to get signed up!
Month: December 2019
Feast Dates for 2020
KIB 238 – Unplugging from the Enemy and the Judgment of God
Hanukkah is a time to examine our lives in light of the Word and the Kingdom. During this time, we are to do three things: (1) Drive out Hellenism (Mystery Babylon) out of our lives, (2) Cleanse the temple through prayerful examination, repentance, and prayer, and (3) Rededicate our lives to Almighty God by entwining ourselves afresh with Messiah. Mary Lou shares a powerful prophetic prayer that reveals the tactics of the enemy and how to shut down the taplines he establishes in our lives so that the judgment of God can fall upon the wicked!
Raising Up the Remnant Conference LiveStreaming Now Available
ising Up The Remnant, taking place December 26-29th, will focus on Yahweh’s design for life, family, and stewardship. We hold a passionate calling to awaken the Remnant to Babylon’s system of enslavement, and for them to become fully dependent upon the Most High spiritually and physically in the days ahead.
Strong’s Systematic Theology (Three-Volume Set) in Large Print Now Available
KWR010 – Being Prepared for the End-Times
Several things are necessary to prepare for the Last Days:
1. Awareness of
where we are prophetically and to see world events through a biblical and
prophetic lens.
2. To mature
spiritually and emotionally through prayer, the study of the Word, and other
spiritual disciplines.
3. To learn to be self-sufficient from the Babylonian system around us: This includes topics such as homesteading, homeschooling, self-defense, and much more.
Developing Functional Faith Part 1 & 2
In developing functional faith in the Kingdom, it is essential for the believer to have the correct perception of the full council of God’s Word and exactly what it means to live by faith. In this session, Dr. Michael Lake examines both of these concepts from a balanced, Kingdom position and introduces the believer for the need of a software upgrade through meditating and acting upon God’s Word as empowered by the Holy Spirit.