Babylon is not a city or nation that we can simply walk out. The tentacles of Babylon are global. Therefore, a deeper application of the Kingdom and completed work of Christ must be wrought in the believer’s life that encompasses our tripartite being. A very important and powerful message for the Remnant!
Month: January 2022
KIB 336 – The Kingdom and How to Pray in 2022
Heaven is waiting. Heaven is waiting for us to pray the right prayers so that the Kingdom would be released in the world in a fresh and powerful way. The Almighty wants to place Kingdom desires in the heart of the Remnant and a new anointing to pray them through unto fruition. Peace can be wrought, plagues stopped, and the plans of the Elite delayed. Now is the time to align with the throne of God.
UTK98 – The Kingdom in Hostile Territory
The past Laodicean affluence of America has lulled the body of Christ into believing we were not living in hostile territory. In recent years, various aspects of our society have taken off their masks and have revealed their true hatred for the Gospel and the Word of God. There is censorship and oppression on every front. How does the body cope with these new challenges and move forward in our mission?
KWR0017 The Second Coming of Saturn with Derek Gilbert
KIB 335 – Learning to Use Your Kingdom Muscles
After examining important news from today’s headlines, the Lakes explore our need to meditate on Scripture to build spiritual muscle in the Kingdom. This process of getting truth deep into our hearts, developing confidence in those Kingdom truths, and learning to flow in the authority of those truths will be essential for the Remnant in the days ahead. We are preparing for victory and refuse to surrender to the enemy’s machinations!
KIB 334 – We Are Family: Understanding the Family Dynamic of Kingdom
To properly move in Kingdom, we need to understand the dynamic of the family of God. Once we see Kingdom as family, our perceptions begin to change. We understand the purpose of the loving instruction of the Father (Torah) and the importance of properly bearing the name of God. We even discover the real reason God tests us (it is not what you think). The Remnant must become rooted and grounded in family to fulfill their assignments on planet Earth.
Dr. Lake on America Unhinged Radio
KIB 333 – It’s Time to Make a Choice: Choose Kingdom
We’re back! It seems that the enemy has upped its game against both the nation and the body of Christ. Yet, we are standing on the edge of one of the greatest revivals in human history. The enemy has overplayed his hand. As the enemy doubles down on their agenda, it is time to double down on the Kingdom! 2022 is the year of choice and pressing into higher levels of the Kingdom.