Tag: spiritual warfare

KIB 430 – Lulled to Sleep in the Midst of the Battle

While the Church speaks of Spiritual Warfare, it has forgotten about the Principality War and how these fallen spirits control everything about life on planet Earth – from culture to politics.  Much of the Church has been lulled to sleep by the affluence of Western society and no longer service has Heaven’s salt to purify the world’s cultures.  Today, many long for the world to accept them and are more influenced by ungodly culture than the Word of God.  It is time to wake up out of slumber, pick up the weapons of our warfare, and reengage in the fight!

KIB 428 – Seducing and Deceiving Spirits in the Last Days

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
1 Tim. 4:1 (KJV)

As we approach the end of days, seducing and deceiving spirits will be in overdrive over humanity. Now, is the time for the Remnant to break free of these hellish spirits and learn to be governed by the Holy Spirit alone.

KIB 415 – Preparing for a Higher Level of Spiritual Warfare

We are entering a period in which the enemy will be in overdrive to stop what God is doing, and, at the same time, we will see God moving in power and divine judgment.  The Remnant must be ready for what lies before us in 2024 and beyond.  Having our lives free from demonic entanglement and knowing how to drive our demonic forces is an integral part of our strategies in this conflict between light and darkness. 

KIB 417 – Overcoming the Tactics of the Dark Side

The enemy knows every weak spot that you have in your life. This dark priesthood may have a file on you outlining every weakness with plans to render you ineffective for the Kingdom of God. How are we supposed to overcome an enemy that is so well-organized and informed enemy? Does the Word of God instruct us on how to overcome the machinations of Hell?

KWR0035 – The Kingdom Warrior

“The Kingdom Warrior” is a book by Dr. Michael K. Lake aimed at training the religious remnant in the art of spiritual warfare from a biblical perspective. The book presents a comprehensive concept of spiritual warfare that encompasses both defense and attack. Readers will encounter various aspects of spiritual engagement, including overcoming psychological warfare, adopting effective strategies for different enemies, and guarding their families from spiritual threats. The focus is on fighting with Holy Spirit-imbued precision in these prophetic times.

KIB 410 – Contend, Retrieve, and Establish

We are in a prophetic season of asking Heaven to contend with the kingdom of darkness.  We must engage in a spiritual process:  Contend, retrieve, and establish.  It is time to move forward into our destiny in Christ.  It is time to move into our promised land and to drive out the “ites.”  Heaven is waiting to hear our cry.