KIB 446 – Spiritual Fruit, Pruning, and Cutting Down in the Kingdom

We begin this episode with Mary sharing the prophetic connection between Roe vs. Wade and the stealing of the natural affections of an entire generation.  Then, Dr. Lake teaches about examining spiritual fruit, the need for pruning (sanctification), and the coming judgment of God (the cutting down and burning of dead branches).

KWR0042 – The Dismantling of the Western Mind

For decades, the elite has tirelessly and tacitly labored to dismantle the Western mind in their occult push toward a one-world government and thirst to control humanity. This episode will discuss four tools from their ever-growing arsenal against mankind: (1) weaponization of language, (2) psychopolitics, (3) Hegelian Dialectic, and (4). MK Ulta and Chemical Warfare of the Mind. 

KLIB445 – Divine Intervention and the Season of the Watchmen

This past weekend, there was obvious divine intervention in the assassination attempt of President Trump.  We are entering a season of high occult activity, and it is time for the Watchmen in the Kingdom to man their posts, watch, and intercede for the nations to see the Kingdom of God established in many critical areas.

KIB444 – The Mystery Religions and the Conclusion of Solomon

King Solomon was bitten by the Mystery Religions bug and attempted to reassemble its fragmented knowledge.  In his day, it was the precursor to Freemasonry, the New Age, and many other esoteric groups.  In the end, Solomon declared that they all were folly and madness!  The modern Church needs to learn from King Solomon and heed the admonition and warnings of Eccl. 12:9-14!

Silicon Zombies and the Renewal of the Mind – Vicki Anderson

Silicon Zombies and the Renewing of the Mind explores some of the theoretical “unintended consequences” behind up-and-coming technology that may have a profound effect upon the brain, and ultimately the soul, of its users. Paul exhorts believers in Colossians 3:9-10 to put on a new self which will be renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created them. However, technology, for all of its benefits, has surreptitiously swapped out discernment for data and insight for information. With the onslaught of virtual reality, augmented reality, predictive programming, psychedelics, neural lace, the hive mind, mind control, media, medicine, and transhumanism; how are believers to walk through the minefield of modernity without—quite literally—losing their minds?

KIB 443 – The Church and Unfruitful Works

Large segments of the modern Church have embraced New Age doctrines on various levels.  From opening the door to a Kundalini spirit to teaching remote viewing to aspiring prophets, claims of “game-changing” abilities seem to fill the Internet.  Yet, these so-called “superpowers” have little effect on the currents of darkness that are now sweeping over the world.  At ground level, the Jezebel spirit has been so embedded into Western society that it continues to wreak havoc on families both inside the Church and the world.  It is time to return to the purity of the Word of God and the power of the Kingdom in this hour.

KIB 442 – The Purpose of Our Walk with God

In this episode, we reveal the truth regarding the death of A.A. Allen from his family.  Then, we dive into the true purpose of our walk with God.  It is not about becoming happy, prosperous, or spiritually powerful.  Each of us is called to become like Christ.  Nothing short of this goal is true biblical Christianity.