Things Witches Don’t Want You To Know- Hope for the Discouraged w/ Mary Lou Lake
Join Patricia Hall and Mary Lake talking about life-saving and life-changing topics. With threats of curses and witchcraft being placed on Donald Trump and the discouraged world seeing evil unfold in front of their eyes, this topic is priceless.
Mary Lou I am so hoping to see more of you on NYSTV because I thinkI am also a victim and so many of us need your help. The lost time of childhood, internal arguments that are between two different people or so it seems (which I actually never really noticed as odd until you pointed it out!), Sounds in your ears (I hear the dial tone of a phone often), illness (I have fibromyalgia which creates pain that travels and Psoriatic Arthritis which causes Psoriasis, pain and more) as a child I heard voices but there were too many to single out what was being said, the instant mood changes which have always baffled me…and so on. I have some memories that are like still photos in time of being sexually abused at around the age of 4-5 on up till about 7 by my mom’s fiance’ who God took out of my life via a heart attack. I don’t believe my mom knew anything she just trusted him, but my mom was very abusive physically with beatings and verbally and I was left with babysitters a lot and there was a lot of abuse that took place during those times as well. I knew there was something wrong and different about me but never knew what till you started talking! So hearing your advice and stories is more helpful than you know. God bless you and Mike!
Sharon Odehnal
thank you for teaching us how to pray, please do this many more times.
Mary amazing stuff do more shows write a book make your own show .
Thank you. I need your help .
Have your parts fused together? Or do you still have a little girl part ?
I am a survivor. And currently have phisical stuff keep coming back.
Please i would love to ve in a work shop with you or 1 on 1 to break thus stuff and help others .
The good news is that Mary did write a book: What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition. Together, Mary and I do a podcast every single week on the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing. 🙂
What a wealth of information! Thank you Mary Lou for being open and honest with us. Every time I listen to you and Mike, I receive another piece of truth that allows me to further heal. Looking forward to more.
Thank you so much for all of this information! I have suffered since I was age three, and my heart has been so broken about the dysfunction in my family. We so need teaching and testimony about the power and love of God. Thank you so much, and to God be the glory. I love to listen to Mary Lou and Dr. Lake. Their teaching began changing my life three years ago, and has been a steady and consistent source that has helped me to be more and more receptive to God’s love and power. It has strengthened and empowered my prayer life, and helped me so much in dealing with family members and friends who have so little knowledge concerning warfare against the kingdom of darkness.
This video was jam-packed with practical information, help and hope. I thank FATHER for giving Mary the ability to talk fast! Thank you, Now You See TV for your podcasts.
Thank you for this teaching! Thank you Jesus for Dr Michael Lake and Mary Lou!
mary thanks so much please let us know when the conference in Idaho…i want to go…i sent you a letter…arlene I am a retired R.N. too long to go into here.
We now have a conference tab on the KIB site. Information on the conferences is placed there as it becomes available to us.
Wow i had same i shock on my bed and airoplanes tried to take my family out they hunt me the luciferian govermemt have took my 7 year old son they locked me away called me crazy
I work in a lab and the people that work there are into witchcraft please pray for me and for the patients that come there.