KIB 109 – Courage and Preparing the Way of the LORD
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

On today’s podcast, Dr. Lake and Mary begin a three-part series of podcasts leading up to the Feast of Dedication. The topic for today was courage and how we must conquer fear in preparation for what is ahead. They give a brief narrative of the story of the Maccabees and the courage they displayed. They compare the courage of the Maccabees to the fearlessness that is needed as we face the high level of demonic activity in every aspect of our society, even in Washington D. C. What is the significance of Pizzagate and the Podesta emails? God is answering the prayers of His people, and He is unveiling the wickedness. Dr. Lake brings clarity to the subjects of conquering fear and finding the safe place from which you can engage in spiritual warfare. They give recommendations on how to handle family situations regarding Christmas.
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and the soon to be released book, The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.

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Dallas March 30 – April 2, 2017
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Its Amazing how you both said Elohim was going to reveal this stuff out in the open two weeks before the pizza gate and other sick exposure of the Crowleyite rituals in the Padesta emails. I’ve heard many beleivers within the past two years having a call to pray to expose the darkness in their neighborhoods, states, and nationally. We are seeing the remnant prevail through prayer. Halleluyah. HA-LE=LU=YAH!!!!
here is further evidence of this sick human trafficking happening in the UK.
Check a couple of pages in. It is on the B&W page that looks like the cover. 🙂
Thank you both for teaching us how to walk in the Spirit
And not have our lunch eaten by you know who…..As a new believer I had a death threat..the LORD Jesus Christ prevailed ,but it left me with a caution.With this teaching I can again choose courage.. trusting the LORD Jesus
Thank you very much for your teachings and encouragement! 20 years ago I began taking courses on Biblical Counseling but was not able to finish. Reasons being is because I began ministering to a individual in my local church who no one was willing to work with. What I thought was going to be just encouraging and discipling ended up being a fragmented person who had been sexually abused since childhood. Not fully understanding the spiritual battle I was in my local church turned against me leaving me with many broken pieces. But to the Glory of God! He has brought me through and set my feet on solid ground. I have been Torah observant for 12 years and me and my husband now have a home based fellowship. One of the gentlemen who attends recommended your book Mary (which I read in one day) and now I have reconnected to this ministry and what a blessing you to have been! This is a on time message I wish everyone would hear! Again Thank You
Thank you for leading the way of the light! I have been enlightened so much from your teaching and I will continue listening. God bless you!
Brother Lake I know that the Jewish star is not biblical but i attend a messianic synagogue that has the Jewish star in the Temple. How do you advice me. I do not have it in my home but i do have a bible that has the star on it but i have it covered. Your insight please. thank you…..Another Great podcast!!!!!!!
Shalom Shalom
I’ve just discovered you both this past week and I am so blessed. Many things you both have said confirm things the Lord has been telling me about the times over the past twenty years. I have been receiving deliverance for the 5 years on the spirits associated with Christmas and I can see the desrtuuctiin they have sown in my life and yet it has been difficult for me to let go of the traditions of men. This year the Lord insisted that Christmas is our golden calf. In answer to the argument “I don’t care about the pagan roots, I am going to make it all about Jesus.” God showed me that this is the same thing Aaron did when he revealled the golden calf. He didn’t unveil it as the goddess Hathor or the Apis bull, he called it Yahweh, the god who delivered you out of Egypt! What a mockery that broke God’s heart! And it’s how he feels about “putting Christ back into Christmas!”
One of the things I’ve been experiencing is a deep grief over the loss of the holidays because my church was very hostile to the Hebraic Roots movement, it felt like my family was left with nothing. Thank you for your balanced approach for celebrating the feasts without adopting Jewish culture! The Lord showed me their prophetic significance years ago especially how Tabernacles points to the Millenial Kingdom which is why Zechariah proclaims that in order to be in the Lord’s congregation the whole earth will celebrate it forever! Anyway, you have restored my confidence that I have bedn hearing from the Lord all along! That is the best gift ever!