The Bond Servant Video Marathon

The Bond Servant Video Series




A blast from the Biblical Life past. Instead of watching football this weekend, we encourage you to enjoy this powerful ten-part series on the biblical Bond Servant. In this powerful series, Dr. Lake details the biblical transition from servant to friend to bond servant: a journey every believer must take. Powerful sessions on emotional healing and understanding the plague of Gnosticism within the Church are included. Learn why becoming a Bond Servant is so important for the days ahead and be ready to walk in God’s best!


Bond Servant Part 1


An Introduction. Dr. Lake begins a new series on the Bond Servant. What is a bond servant? How does it apply to New Testament believers? What is the connection between the bond servant and the Ten Commandments? Where Moses and Jesus perfect examples of bond servants for us? Is a bond servant to the perfect picture of maturity in Christ? Learn why becoming a bond servant of Messiah in the days ahead are so important for you, your family, and your ministry!


Bond Servant Part 2


Dr. Lake discusses the difference between the “House of Bondage” and the “House of God.” Each house has different laws, holidays, and behavior. We need to learn the difference and live by the House of God.


Bond Servant Part 3


Whose house is it anyway? Have we become so democratically minded that we have forgotten the Church represents the Kingdom of God? Are we God-centric in our worship and service or people-centric. This message includes a prophetic warning that God once again is calling us “to repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!”


Bond Servant Part 4


Messiah came to set up free. In this lesson, Dr. Lake delivers a powerful message on how Messiah came to heal us of all the wounds from the House of Bondage. All pain, wounds of the past, mental anguish and torment were crucified with Jesus on the Cross. All this message to release an anointing for inner healing and a new level of freedom into your life!


Bond Servant Part 5


Did you know that Lucifer has an anointing? And that his anointing can ride on top of God’s presence and anointing? This is why the sanctification process is so important in the life of the believer. Dr. Lake provides a power illustration on how the priests in the Torah were consecrated for service to God and how it holds the key to purify our own anointing for God!


Bond Servant Part 6


In this session, Dr. Lake examines the recalcitrant nature of the Body of Christ and then looks at the Apostle Paul’s cure for this carnal tendency.


Bond Servant Part 7


We need to realize that the house we have been delivered into is the exact opposite of the house we have been delivered from. In this lesson, Dr. Lake draws from the teaching of the Apostle Paul to illustrate this power concept. Learn how to be faithful in the house Messiah brought you into!


Bond Servant Part 8


Part of the task of the Bond Servant is to protect the truth of his Master’s House. Gnosticism is running rampant in the Charismatic movement today. In this session, Dr. Lake looks at the history of Gnosticism and how it is influencing the Church today. He also explains what the greatest currency of the Kingdom is (Hint: it had nothing to do with money!).


Bond Servant Part 9


Over the past century, Progressivism has permeated all segments of our society, to include the Church and our theology. We have moved from core values to situational ethics. This relativism has caused us to move away from the biblical definition of “friendship.” Therefore, we have no real understanding of what it is to become a friend of God. In this session, Dr. Lake looks at the biblical definition of “friendship with God” so that the Body of Christ can begin re-establishing this vital aspect of our relationship with God.


Bond Servant Part 10


In this final session of the Bond Servant, Dr. Lake examines powerful truths regarding the bond servant, the threshold, Passover, and the divine protection and provision from God. A must for every believer to watch!


Add a Comment
  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr. Lake and Mary Lou!! I’m caught up on recent posts I wasn’t sure how to fill the rest of the weekend.

    Will continue to pray you both of you, your ministry and your daughter.

    God Bless
    David R.
    Plano, TX

  2. Halleluiah Halleluiah Halleluiah Powerful.truth very well spoken. YHWH continue to bless guide and protect you and sister Lake. Thank you for your service my brother. Shalom.

  3. I saw this happen in my sister’s church; she told the church that they must return to corporate prayer, that they were full of teaching, but the HOLY SPIRIT was absent and she was going to experience the power of GOD there or elsewhere. They all agreed with her, but did not do it. She let it go,then became so sick that she had to resign, and is still sick but can see no connection. The LORD showed me a rubber band; you pull it out, but it goes right back to it’s original condition the minute you let go. Makes you want to cry, huh?

  4. I got a LOT out of part 6…thanks for being faithful.

  5. Part 9… a word for me today. Exactly my situation; so uplifting and confirming!

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