The Strategic Nature of the Conflict Between Heaven and Hell

God views the temporal dimension (linear time) differently than we do.  We see in the moment.  We may see the years or decades regarding the Kingdom of God if we are insightful.  However, God sees beyond the millennia.  The Almighty’s interaction with His people (both in ancient Israel and the historical Body of Messiah) is strategic, measured, and multidimensional. 

KIB 419 – Being in One Accord and the Approaching Storm

America is on a collision course with both the judgment of God and the incompetence of our leaders.  Being of one accord can provide the power and protection of God during the storm.  But what does it mean to be in one accord biblically, and how do we achieve it?  These are questions that the Remnant need to ask in the Last Days.

KIB 418 – Feast of Dedication and Approaching Judgment

The Feast of Dedication is about driving out Hellenism from our lives and restoring the Temple for use by Almighty God.  When appropriately observed, the prophetic rhythm of the Feasts brings us back into synchronicity with Heaven. It prepares us for the unfolding of end-time prophecy – to include the quickly approaching judgment of God.