KWR009 – The Greater War
Kingdom War Room
Welcome to the Kingdom War Room. Each month, we will conduct a Kingdom War Room discussion with key leaders in the Body of Christ that will deal with strategic issues regarding end-time prophecy and challenges that the Remnant is facing worldwide. In this discussion, we have:
Host – Dr. Michael Lake, representing the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing and Biblical Life TV.
Co-Host -Dr. Michael Spaulding, who is the teaching pastor of Calvary Chapel of Lima, OH, the author of Make the Preaching Great Again, and the host of Soaring Eagle Radio and Dr. Mike Live. Mike’s website is
Guest – Carl Gallups, the Pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church, the host of Freedom Radio, and best-selling author. Carl’s website is
What if there was a greater war that lies just beyond our focus? A war that began long before humanity ever walked the face of the earth. A war that is supernatural, with beings possessing knowledge and power beyond our ken. A war that God has been waging with rebellious immortals that view mankind as nothing more than pieces on a cosmic chessboard. Yet, God has told us the end from the beginning. The Almighty has revealed that humanity is precious to Him and that He will fight for us. And one day, those found in Messiah will stand victorious with the Creator of the universe and He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
We are here to discuss this greater war and the three books that provide a panoramic overview for the believer. These books by Carl Gallups are:
- God and Thrones: Nachash, Forgotten Prophecy, and the Return of the Elohim
- Gods of Ground Zero: The Truth of Eden’s Iniquity, why it still matters, and the mystery surrounding what’s coming next.
- Gods of the Final Kingdom: Unveiling the Secrets of the Raging Celestial War that Ultimately Results in the Restitution of All Things Brought to Life in the Theater of Your Mind and Soul
Thanks again Dr. Lake. I would like to make a comet what Pastor Carol stated. I met a Jewish lady when Sub. teaching at a Middle School. At lunch she was told that you need to talk to Ken he is a Believer and knows some Jewish teachings. I asked her as she said her brother lived in Israel and I told her me and Cathy studied for 10 days in Israel. I asked her is your Brother a Believer she said no. He goes to a Synagog and listens to the Rabbi who dose not read the Scriptures. WOW, Carl is correct. Also I give Yeshua all the Glory. I had a conversation with an Angel in the Hospital. 2 1/2 hr operation on my shoulder. When I woke up I was in tremendous pain as I saw this Nurse at my left side. I said my shoulder is killing me. She said ” Yes We ” know.She walked to the foot of my bed and I said it again and she said Yes We Know. The pain left my body and she walked up to me on the right side and I fell asleep. She was dressed in ” White “, all the Staff and Dr’s. wore Blue in the Hospital. They sent me home with ” NO Pain ” ! My surgeon said Ken you will have a sling on for a Month after the operation. Two days after the operation he checked me and said, I have never seen anyone heal so quick, I said I give God all the Glory. He said I think I’m going to take these Stainless Steel Staples out of you shoulder. He leaves the room and I said Lord you know I do not like pain, Lord no pain when he dose this. He pulled ” 9 Stainless Steel ” staples out of my shoulder and I did not feel a pinch. I have had several ” Supernatural Realm Experiences ” Thanks for letting me share this. Shalom
Hi Dr Lake. This was a really great episode! Thank you for having Carl Gallups on the show, loved the way you both interviewed him and had such great conversation. Also glad Carl Gallups had a platform like this to clear his name publicly even though he is completely clear before God. What this show highlighted for me was how the seemingly global “movement” of christian vs christian infighting is seems to just be gaining more and more momentum and and not slowing… As you started the episode with the understanding that we are in this kind of “Greater War” this is definitely a symptom of that warfare globally… but it really sucks to see so many supposedly God-fearing people trashing each other over the internet.
I almost feel like I want to ask you to do an episode or 2 to help those of us who are in our late 20’s early 30’s who God is slowly but surely preparing for His Kingdom so we don’t fall for the same 2nd Heaven entity traps and how to practically respond to those who may trash our characters happen in the future as we follow God. I’ve heard enough of your preaching to know you’re swamped most of the time, but thought to ask anyway!
I really believe my generation really needs some of the wisdom and experience from those who are in their 50’s and 60’s regarding these kinds of issues… with all the connectivity we have, things are just not getting any easier…
Thanks again for a great show!
Be blessed