KIB 349 – A Now Moment in the Kingdom
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
God has been awakening and preparing the Remnant. This awakening by God was not for the sake of the Remnant but for the sake of His great name! For many of the Remnant, now is the time of activation, moving in both the ways of God and in the power of the Kingdom. Dr. Lake shares a powerful prophetic word given to him by the Holy Spirit for this season. Note: You can find the transcript for the prophetic word at the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing website.
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary. He is the author of the best-selling books, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell, and the newly released, The Kingdom Priesthood. Dr. Lake is a popular speaker at national Christian conferences and is a frequent guest on many Christian TV and radio/podcast programs in North America.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side-by-side with her husband in ministry for over 35 years and is the author of the book What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.
Prophetic Word:
There have been multiple generations that have been disillusioned with the supernatural nature of the Kingdom of God. They have been instructed to shout for miracles, praise for miracles, jump for miracles, and to give sacrificially to release the supernatural power of God. My people have been told to do everything BUT to repent, realign their hearts, minds, and lives with My Word and the Kingdom, and then to learn to walk in My ways.
The awakening of the Remnant began with them sensing that something was wrong. My Remnant began with repentance and a deep desire to return to My ways, My statutes, and My commandments. The Remnant sought My face and My ways – their petitions to Me were to help them rediscover how to walk in My Kingdom. Because they have placed Me and My Kingdom first, I am releasing a new wave of the supernatural to them. They have sought My face, and now I will move My hands in their behalf. As they pray and stand in faith, frozen hearts will melt at the foot of My cross. Prodigal children will, in repentance, return home. Mountains built by the enemy will be decimated before them. Moving in the supernatural has always been intertwined with My ways, and now it is time for My Remnant to learn to both walk in My ways and My power. This move will cross through multiple generations that will walk united because they are holding My hand, being led by My Spirit, and walking in My ways!
True ministries will not be judged by their splendor or their ways of self-sustainment through the Laodicean spirit. What will mark the ministries of the Remnant is the durability and sustainability of lives and families that they minister to. New Joshuas, Calebs, and Timothys will arise within their ranks. Faithfulness will be branded upon their hearts by My Spirit. My power will flow through their words and their hands to bring light and My Kingdom to those trapped in darkness. Now is the time for My Kingdom to be released through My Sheeriyth in power and truth.