Biblical Life Publishing has retired the DVD set on the Feasts of the LORD and Their Biblical Significance in the Life of the Believer. Now, we are sharing these videos with our friends and partners. There are nine videos in this set.
Month: November 2021
KWR-0015 Corrupting the Image
KIB 332 – Leftism and the Prophetic Connection to Hebron and Absalom
After reviewing important items from our national news, the Lakes discuss the possible prophetic connection of America, ancient Hebron, and Absalom. There is a direct spiritual connection between Absalom and Marxism taking hold in our nation today. If we seek the face of God, Marxism (and its power base) can meet the same divine judgment as Absalom in the time of King David.
KIB 331 – The Obfuscation of Truth and Other Realities of 2021
The war against truth has never been greater than in our day. MSM, the techno-army of so-called “fact-checkers” (and their technocratic overlords), and legions of Marxists labor unceasingly to control the social narrative. Yet, there is evidence that their programming is breaking down, and that truth continues to find the light of day. Now is the time to dedicate ourselves afresh to our eternal King and the spiritual war that lies ahead of us.
YouTube: No Soup for You!
Sheep Nations and the Task at Hand
It is easy in the den of spiritual warfare to lose sight of the Assembly’s trust mission. Our mission is to lead nations to the LORD and teach them to walk in His ways. There will be Sheep Nations during the reign of the Son of Perdition, and it is our task to call them into the Kingdom and disciple them to be faithful Kingdom citizens. One day, we will be judged by Almighty God on how trustworthy we remained to our mission in His Kingdom.
Fighting to Establish God’s Will | UTK96
Every day on planet earth, the will of God is not being fulfilled billions of times. The will of God and the Kingdom of God are intertwined. It is only where the Kingdom is manifest that the King’s will is revealed. A vital part of spiritual warfare is to seek Heaven for the manifestation of the Kingdom and the revealing of God’s perfect will.
KIB 330 – Avoiding the Snares of the Enemy
We learn in the story of Gideon that sometimes well-intended acts can become a snare for God’s people. Snares are a major popular tactic of the enemy to entrap us, bind us up, and impede our effectiveness in the Kingdom. We are in a season of Heaven revealing the snares of the enemy, allowing us either to avoid them or to get free from the ones we are already in. It is time to wake up and see the enemy’s plans and to walk free as Kingdom citizens.
KWR-0014 In the Devil’s Toolbox
Dr. Oswalt details how our emotions can be the devil’s playground, and our violation of biblical principles regarding our emotions creates legal access to our lives by the enemy. In the Devil’s Toolbox serves as a wake-up call to this generation to get their emotional lives in biblical order or else to pay the consequence in both this life and in eternity.
Fall 2021 Update on the Diggins Project
Video Blog Update on the Remodel of Our Diggins Facility