“The Kingdom Warrior” is a book by Dr. Michael K. Lake aimed at training the religious remnant in the art of spiritual warfare from a biblical perspective. The book presents a comprehensive concept of spiritual warfare that encompasses both defense and attack. Readers will encounter various aspects of spiritual engagement, including overcoming psychological warfare, adopting effective strategies for different enemies, and guarding their families from spiritual threats. The focus is on fighting with Holy Spirit-imbued precision in these prophetic times.
Month: October 2023
KIB 413 – Terror and the Power of Really Knowing God
We were all shocked and brought to prayer as we witnessed the vicious attack on Israel. We should be in prayer for Israel in this moment. With open borders and the left’s thirst for gun control, we could see the same thing occur in the United States. How do we respond and prepare? Psalms 91 and Daniel 11:32 are critical for the Remnant to overcome terror and position themselves to become overcomers.
KIB 412 – Overcoming Fear in a Season of Darkness
KIB 412 – Overcoming Fear in a Season of Darkness Kingdom Intelligence Briefing The enemy earmarks October as a season to promote fear. Fear is one of the five things the enemy uses to manipulate humanity. The other four are culture, money (i.e., love of money), perversion, and frustration. As believers, we are called to […]