The year 2020 has proven to be a very prophetic year. This past Passover aligned perfectly with the Passover when Jesus gave His life for us on the cross, and it was the first Passover, since Moses, that Israel sheltered in their own homes to observe it. We must be ready for what Almighty God is going to do this Pentecost. Jesus is going to release the fire of God upon His people. What that fire accomplishes will be the difference between those that have yielded to the time of preparation and those that have resisted the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The end goal is that Christ would be glorified and holiness would be established in His Body.
Month: April 2020
KIB 254 – The Josiah Generation
In the midst of the current crisis, there is going to be a multi-pronged revival that is going to be released from heaven. A critical component of this revival is our younger generations that will have a Josiah anointing upon their lives. This anointing will allow them to come out of paganism (both outside and inside the church). They will rebuild the temple within, rediscover the fullness of God’s Word, and have a passion for God and biblical holiness like no other generation before them! Now is the time to intercede for the awakening of the Josiah generation.
KIB 253 – It’s Time to Shout During the Pandemic
Every believer knows the story of Passover and its marked victory over Pharaoh. However, few realize that there was another victory during the Feast of Unleavened Bread against a Nephilim-based stronghold – Jericho. It was during the days of Unleavened Bread that Israel marched around the walls of Jericho and ended with a mighty shout that brought the walls down. The same thing can happen today with the pandemic agenda of the Elite. This episode is a call to action for the Remnant worldwide!
KIB 252 – Hope in the Midst of the Storm
In the midst of the current pandemic, people are asking, “Is our prophetic goose cooked, or is there a plan of God for after the storm?” We also need to ask ourselves, “What does the Almighty want us to do during this storm?” Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake work to answer these questions and more in this new podcast. How we respond now, both to God and the working of the Luciferian Elite, may well determine what will happen after the storm!
Passover and the Lamb of God
Passover and the theme of salvation is the supreme narrative in the Word of God. In this episode, Dr. Lake traces the promise of the One who would redeem humanity from the garden of Eden, Passover, and then to the Cross. At the end of the message, he celebrates the LORD’s supper. So, make sure you have grape juice and crackers (or matzah bread) handy for you and your family.