In his new book, Upside Down in America, Dr. Mike Spaulding proclaims: The America I knew is dead. In the 1960s, our nation was still a shining beacon on a hill despite the many trials we faced. While they focused the eyes and minds of the country on Southeast Asia, our enemies were busy infiltrating our schools, civic organizations, churches, and government – at every level.
Month: October 2020
KIB 281 – A Kingdom that Cannot be Shaken
The word for this season is that we must hope in God alone and press into the Kingdom. These have been the watchwords for the Remnant over the past few years, and now the fruit of their actions is beginning to manifest. It is not a time to fear, but to continue to cry out: Let the hidden be revealed in Jesus’ name!
KIB 280 – The Hidden is Being Revealed and a Shift in the Spirit | Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
Jesus promised in Luke 8:17 that everything being hidden will be revealed. As the Remnant members pray, this promise in being fulfilled. We are turning a corner in this spiritual warfare, and now the Remnant prayer warriors must press in for the victory. This victory must include both the stopping of darkness and winning of souls into the Kingdom.
KWR 011 – Silent Cry: The Dark Truth of Human Trafficking | Kingdom War Room
KIB 279 – Overcoming Occult-Powered Persuasion
The New Age Movement and the Mystery Religions influence every aspect of society, to include the Church. Their use of both psycho-sorcery and techno-sorcery is now so commonplace, we have become conditioned to accept their influence and agenda without thought. The Remnant must break free of their influence, return to the purity of the faith, and solely move in the Kingdom of God.
Soaring Eagle Radio – The Kingdom Priesthood Interview with Dr. Mike Spaulding and Dr. Michael Lake
The Need for Spiritual Warriors in This Hour
KIB 278 – In the Heat of Battle
Recently, key leaders in the body of Christ hosted a national day of repentance. This “Return” must be more than an event, it must become a movement. From the hallowed ground of repentance, an army of spiritual warriors must arise to combat the supernatural powers that seek to overturn America. It is time for divine recompense and the scattering of darkness. It is time for the Remnant to mobilize in prayer.