Good morning, Remnant of the Most High God!
Today is December 1, and our sabbatical during December begins. Mary and I will spend some much-needed time resting, praying, and in research during the month. I will also be working on my next book. Without the constant distractions of daily ministry, it will be easier to concentrate on the writing process. (I know Defender Publishing will be happy to see significant progress on this project.)
I will be stopping by the office each Monday to process any orders that come through our shopping cart (as well as checking the ministry’s mail), so orders will not be delayed by much. Any orders for the MP3 downloadable versions will still be processed within 24 hours since I can do that from my home office.
Also, during this time off, I will be filming a special message for the upcoming Hear the Watchmen Virtual Conference scheduled to be released on January 1. Make sure to check the Hear the Watchmen website for more information.
We have a lot of things planned for 2022 (God willing). Hopefully, the contractor will begin working on Phase 2 of the Diggins Project in March/April. The Kingdom Warrior book manuscript should be completed in the first quarter of 2022. Then work will begin on the Kingdom Citizen Practical Theology. The KCPT project will include MP3 audio teachings that will be conducted in the new classroom in Diggins. The book/study guide combination will be professionally printed and available through Amazon and our shopping cart. We will also be including a URL link to download all MP3 sessions in the book. There will be no charge for the audio sessions. The KCTP will be perfect for personal and group study by the Remnant!
Remember, God is not done with us yet! We have a lot to accomplish before the LORD returns.
Finally, in March, I hope to see everyone at the Hear the Watchmen Conference in Dallas, TX!
A Bond Servant of Messiah,
Michael K. Lake, Th.D.
PS: Don’t forget to enjoy the complete series, The Feasts of the LORD, that was posted yesterday. All of the videos are on our Rumble channel ( We have also included a link in the KIB post for you to download the study guide in PDF. Please feel free to make as many copies of the study guide as you need for your local bible study.