Update on Our Book Projects

Update on KIB Book Projects

Quick Update on Our Book Projects


books-2016The Sheeriyth Imperative:


Sheeriyth is one of the Hebrew words used in the Old Testament for Remnant.  Heaven is not resting idly by as the Elite labor to fulfill Nimrod’s dark directive.   Hell may have its directive, but Heaven has its own imperative that will be enforced by the Almighty’s Sheeriyth!

TSI is about to go through the final review process by the gifted editor, Angie Peters, at Defender Publishers.  Then the manuscript will be sent to the typesetter, before heading off to the printing company.  Everything is in order for the September/October release.  I know many of you are anxious for the release of this new work.  Here is a look at the Table of Contents:


  • Forward by Doug Hagmann
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 – Back to the Beginning
  • Chapter 2 – The Fuel Behind the Kingdom of Darkness
  • Chapter 3 – Enter the Dragon
  • Chapter 4 – The Watcher Conspiracy
  • Chapter 5 – The Watcher Conspiracy Continues
  • Chapter 6 – The Watchers, Their Women, and the Power to Transform the World
  • Chapter 7 – A Temporal Paradox
  • Chapter 8 – The Third Wave: Nimrod, the Tower, and Higher Dimensional Powers
  • Chapter 9 – War of the Seeds and the Last Days
  • Chapter 10 – Jesus and the Kingdom
  • Chapter 11 – Fuels, Fools, and the Remnant
  • Chapter 12 – Fasting and the Last Days
  • Chapter 13 – Jericho: Anatomy of a Stronghold
  • Chapter 14 – Holey Armor Vs. Holiness and the Armor of God
  • Chapter 15 – Time to Raze Hell in Babylon


“Dr. Michael Lake does it again! In his follow-up to The Shinar Directive, Dr. Lake exposes the grip of Babylon on the remnant. This is a must-have for any Christian interested in the true Kingdom of God as well as how to combat against the enemy. It is time for us to come out of Babylon and The Sheeriyth Imperative is the first step.”

Josh Peck – Host, The Sharpening & Intro the Multiverse – SkyWatch TV, Author of the best-selling books, “Quantum Creation” and “Cherubim Chariots.”


The Mamlakah Files:  Empowering the Remnant to Walk in Kingdom Power


Mamlakah is Hebrew for the Kingdom.  Over the past few years, our office has received untold emails and phone calls from the Remnant around the world that desire a balanced approach to our Hebraic heritage, the Kingdom of God, the commandments of God, the Feasts of the LORD, spiritual warfare, and moving in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Biblical Life and the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing have developed a reputation for both biblical balance and a fearlessness to address crucial topics on the prophetic end-time fringe.  My new writing project this summer will be taking everything that I have learned over decades of research and teaching about all of these subjects and more, and to develop a detailed study in book form.  The goal is to produce a reference guide for the Remnant as we address many issues of end-time restoration of the Kingdom.


Our target goal is to have the manuscript completed by October 1.  It will take about 30 days after this target day to get the book into print and have it in stock at our office.  This new book project will be published directly through Biblical Life/Kingdom Intelligence Briefing and will be available through our online store and Amazon.


Mary’s Book Projects


Project Spiritual Combat Boots


Although Mary’s new work has not been given a title yet, I am listing it as Project Spiritual Combat Boots.  This new book will be a sequel to her book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.  The purpose of this new work is to provide a step-by-step process of how she came out of mind control and moved forward into freedom and the Kingdom of God.   This book will serve as a manual for many to get free and stay free from the clutches of this evil work of Mystery Babylon in the United States and worldwide.  Mary has set the target goal date for this new book on October 1 as well.


Celebrating the Feasts and More


Mary is also working on a new book about how our family celebrates the Feasts of the Lord.  It will outline our journey as we began to celebrate the feasts, and it will be filled with suggestions, recipes, and photos.  While the recipes for the feasts will include lip-smacking dishes that we have collected through the years, she also plans to include healthy recipes for everyday meals.  She is also planning a special DVD that will be a companion to the book.  This will be a fun project that everyone will enjoy!


Prayer and Support This Summer


We have both set some challenging goals for ourselves this summer.  However, we feel the Holy Spirit directly us into some of the biggest projects to date.  We both have long hours of prayer, research, writing, editing, and typesetting ahead of us.  These entire projects will be done in-house (except for the designing of the covers).  With your prayers and support this summer, we hope to have these projects completed by the Fall Feasts!

Dr. Michael K. Lake





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  1. Looking forward to the next chapter of books. With everything you do, it’s amazing you are also producing books. What a legacy and blessing; You both are a gift to the body of Christ. I will continue to hold you and your family up in prayer.

  2. Your entire family are in my daily prayers every morning! And I can’t wait for the release of your new book! Love you both! SHALOM

  3. Have you thought about combining the Mamlakah Files and the cookbook together? My wife will read a cookbook, and I like the theological stuff. We could read it together.

    1. It would a nine hundred page book if we did. I have a lot of ground to cover in the Mamlakah Files. The Feasts and their celebrations are only a small part of what I will be covering.

  4. Thank you thankyouthankyouThankYou both!!!! These books are answers to much prayer!!! Will continue to pray for The Lord’s covering and supply for you both and your family….we are at war and some of us need a lot of training to be more help than hindrance !!
    Thank you for all you do!

    Yours in Crist

  5. Shalom;
    Have just read The Shinar Directive. Would like to speak with you.
    We have discussed and lived many of these topics and have been preparing the Bride/Remnant in a home fellowship since 2000. I worked with SRA/DID survivors since early 90’s which eventually led to this community of Hebraic focus, developing maturity in all respects, and living spiritual warfare. We believe it is only due to our Messiah centered focus that this community even remains after 16 years. Praise YHWH!
    I was blessed to see how well you put together the pieces including the importance of the Whole Word.

  6. Have just read The Shinar Directive. Would like to speak with you.
    We have discussed and lived many of these topics and have been preparing the Bride/Remnant in a home fellowship since 2000. I worked with SRA/DID survivors since early 90’s which eventually led to this community of Hebraic focus, developing maturity in all respects, and living spiritual warfare. We believe it is only due to our Messiah centered focus that this community even remains after 16 years. Praise YHWH!
    I was blessed to see how well you put together the pieces including the importance of the Whole Word. Shalom!

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