Understanding the Kingdom – Part 30

Understanding the Kingdom – Part 30


BLTV_logoIn this episode, Dr. Michael Lake discusses the reality and dynamics of the Kingdom of God, how it is directly connected to the New Birth, and exactly what the apostle Paul understood when he wrote that those that are born again have become a new creature.  Finally, drawing from the Book of Revelation, he details how the Kingdom of God within can counterbalance the pressure of the kingdoms of Mystery Babylon without.

Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive:  Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and the newly  released book, The Sheeriyth Imperative:  Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell.


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  1. -my understanding of “the remnant” based on scripture does not include most of the mainstream christian denominations as they worship in “spirit” but not in “truth”….. as defined in the Psalms as “Torah”…
    -thus; one who follows Yeshua, but does not keep the commandments [keeping Shabbat, clean eating,…] is unfortunately not acceptable to YHVH and not considered a true believer & part of the remnant

  2. Since discovering your teaching(s) I have learned more in 4 months than in the last 16 years as a Christian (follower, believer in Yeshua)! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your expansive ministry. I love how you are able to bring to life the truth of the Word.

    Bless you and your wife both…love to hear your Kingdom Intelligence Briefings, such warmth and caring expressed is so touching.

    Are there notes to part 30 Understanding the Kingdom? I work full time and it is difficult to transcribe the volume of information that you are able to impart.

    I have both books, but have not yet read Sheeryith Imperative. A couple of us have started the Covenant Faith study as well.

    1. There are no published notes for these lectures.

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