Understanding the Kingdom – Part 16

Understanding the Kingdom – Part 16

Biblical Life TV

BLTV_logoDr. Lake and the Biblical Life crew are back from vacation with a powerful new teaching session.  In this episode, Dr. Lake examines the preparation that was essential for Joshua and the children of Israel to take Jericho.  This same process is established as an example for us today to prepare for the battle ahead.  Unless we follow the same pattern of preparation, we will not be able to move in the power of God to win the spiritual battle that will be waged on the Body of Christ in 2016 and beyond.  This is a pivotal time in our history.  God is speaking to us and wants to prepare us, but will we yield to the time of preparation?
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary, and is the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive:  Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition.



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  1. POWERFUL word Michael, I am afraid to do spiritual warfare sometimes because of the possible back lashings.
    Have you and Mary done teachings on what not to do in spiritual warefare? I did hear the Podcast on how we do not have the authority over the heavenlies unless specifically instructed by GOD.
    May the LORD bless you and Mary and your ministry, and keep you and your family safe in all your comings and goings in YESHUA’s Mighty Name.Amen.

    1. I have taught three college levels courses that are available through Biblical Life Resources. It is the Kingdom Authority and Warfare Series 1 – 3. Each one has MP3 lectures and professionally printed study guides. http://store.biblical-life.com.

  2. Dr. Lake: I thank God so much for your timely message. My husband and I have been members of a Messianic Synagogue for over 10 years. Only now are we recognizing the dangers of Rabbinic Judaism. We are not babes in the Biblical faith, but gradually became lukewarm from the messages being Talmudic based. In the last few months the Lord has gotten our attention, and in our services instead of “Where’s Waldo?” we ask where is Yeshua? Even though my husband is an elder and board member, after raising the alarm about our defection from our Savior, nothing has changed. We are more normative Judaism than ever! So today I just finished my resignation citing the problems I have with rabbinics, also citing the blasphemy of our Lord in the Talmud. After letting my daughter read it, she said “well you are going to offend everyone with that for sure”, even tho she agrees with my decision. So I started second guessing myself. And decided to listen to your teachings and just felt impressed to listen to this one instead of #12 where I left off. I am so glad I did. The Lord confirmed my decision by your message and especially calling out the Hebrew Roots Jewish traps. Thank you. My husband’s resignation will follow after they find a new financial officer. We will start a home study with our children on the Shabbat, without the Talmudic based siddurs, and the vain babbling of the fixed jewish prayers. Freedom feels very good again! You and Mary are remembered in my prayers. Could you send me via e-mail (private if you wish)your physical mailing address because I wish to support your ministry?

    1. Please see our “Donation” tab at the top of the website page. It both has links to donate to our ministry via our shopping cart and the mailing address for those that prefer to mail in a check. Blessings!

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