Every day on planet earth, the will of God is not being fulfilled billions of times. The will of God and the Kingdom of God are intertwined. It is only where the Kingdom is manifest that the King’s will is revealed. A vital part of spiritual warfare is to seek Heaven for the manifestation of the Kingdom and the revealing of God’s perfect will.
Tag: Kingdom authority
The Fall Feasts and Our Prophetic Moment 2021 | Biblical Life TV
Understanding the Fall Feasts and their prophetic significance is essential in the days ahead. There are three crucial aspects that are examined in this episode: (1) The need for divine judgment in human history, (2) the importance of the fear of the LORD in the last days, and (3) our need to avoid a pseudo-repentance that is abhorrent to the Almighty.
God is Drawing a Prophetic Line in the Sand
World leaders are drunk with the wine of Mystery Babylon and seeking to enslave all humankind. But God is getting ready to judge much of it and prepare the way for the last great revival. So how do we, as believers, move beyond fear and into faith? How can we be ready to proceed with God as He reveals the hidden things of the enemy?
Moving Out of Babylon and Pressing into the Kingdom – Part 2
The modern Laodicean Church has lost its first love and is now madly in love with the world. Yet, the Word of God warns us of this danger. The Word declares that “the world and its lusts are passing away.” (1 Jn 5:19). The apostle Peter goes even further to condemn false teachers and prophets that would take the body of Christ away from the Kingdom and back into the world. It is high time for the Remnant to return to its first love.
Clay, Authority, and Kingdom Transformation
Passover: Still the Answer to Overcome the Priesthood of Darkness | Biblical Life TV
Developing Kingdom Muscle for the Days Ahead – Part 3 | Biblical Life TV UTK86
We are in a time in which we cannot ride on the coattails of past generations. We must develop our own in-depth walk with God. Dr. Lake examines Isa. 10:27 in context and discovers we have been misinterpreting it for decades! This truth will set you free. He also begins examining the first step in developing Kingdom muscle: Growing in the Fear of the LORD.
Developing Kingdom Muscle for the Days Ahead – Part 2 | Biblical Life TV
We are in a time in which we cannot ride on the coattails of past generations. We must developing our own in-depth walk with God. Dr. Lake examines Isa. 10:27 in context and discovers we have been misinterpreting it for decades! This truth will set you free. He also begins examining the first step in developing Kingdom muscle: Growing in the Fear of the LORD.
Developing Kingdom Muscle for the Days Ahead – Part 1 | Understanding the Kingdom Series | UTK84Biblical Life TV
We are in time in which we cannot ride on the coattails of past generations. We must developing our own in-depth walk with God. Dr. Lake examines Isa. 10:27 in context and discovers we have been misinterpreting it for decades! This truth will set you free. He also begins examining the first step in developing Kingdom muscle: Growing in the Fear of the LORD.
Truth, Light, Darkness, and Judgment | Biblical Life TV | Understanding the Kingdom Series UTK83
The Word of God commands us to “prove (or test) all things.” In a season of disinformation, this command is more important than ever. We also discover from the Word that truth, deception, light, and darkness always follow the same prophetic patterns. It is time for the Body of Messiah to learn to move in discernment and discretion in the days ahead.