Ministry Update 11-14-17


Ministry Update 11-14-17

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


I wanted to take a few moments to provide a quick ministry update on our move.  We are now at the stage that while we are coordinating remodeling at the new site that we are beginning to tear down everything at the old site in Marshfield.  Therefore, we will not be releasing any new podcasts until after December 1.  Also, Biblical Life College and Seminary will be closed until January 1, 2018 to give us time to completely set up the new office.  Please note that this will not affect orders placed on our website.  We will be in Marshfield several times each week and will ship all orders while we are there.

Thank you for keeping this exciting new chapter of our ministry in your prayers!  We believe that God has some awesome things in store for 2018!!


Dr. Michael K. Lake


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  1. Thank you for your faithfullmres to us all, Mike and MaryLou !!! sooo look forward to more Minstering from you both ……

  2. God Bless you both in your busyness!

  3. So excited about the progress

  4. Where is the new location, I have been looking for houses close to the college.

    1. Seymour, MO. FYI: the college is strictly non-traditional. There are no local classes.

  5. Missing you! 🙁 can’t wait till you’re back.

  6. I just love your teachings- the strength of the Lord is giving me confidence in my walk with
    Him. After I received The baptism of the Holy Spirit I grew in loving Jesus, but I wasn’t get
    Getting fed in the churches and I knew I needed the truth that u teach, my Spirit is being watered again. Thank you Dr Lake.
    Please keep my email and send me your
    Latest teachings.
    Thank you Dr Lake

  7. These moves are not so easy at our age, so I’m praying for supernatural help from Angels for you. I believe I had that kind of help when I moved. Somehow I got through a very difficult night remarkably well after praying for help. Looking forward to hearing you tell us all about your new place.
    God is so good!

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