KIB 163 – The Secret Place of God
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
On today’s podcast, Dr. Lake and Mary share their excitement about the Spring Feasts. As Mary was praying this past week, the Holy Spirit led her to read Psalm 31. Verse 20 refers to the secret of God’s presence. This is the same Hebrew word that is mentioned in Psalm 91 in reference to dwelling in the secret place of the Most High. They discuss how the enemy uses secrets for deception and harm, but God has secrets for His purposes. The enemy cannot comprehend the concept of forgiveness and redemption, and the redemptive plan through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection was secret from the enemy. Dr. Lake and Mary discuss how the enemy hates it when God’s people dwell in His presence, because the kingdom of darkness can’t gain access. They list some obstacles that can hinder us from being in the secret place of God’s presence and how to overcome them. Join them in prayer as they discuss all that Jesus purchased for us when He gave His life on Calvary.
I love Psalm 91
Thank you so much for this teaching. Always love to hear from you two. You blessed me this evening.
Praying for you and your family as the Lord leads.
God bless and keep you both and may the Lord give you both the desires of your hearts.