KIB 119 – Pruning, Fire, and Spiritual Testosterone

KIB M and M Edition Podcast

KIB 119 – Pruning, Fire, and Spiritual Testosterone
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


On today’s podcast, Dr. Lake and Mary discuss how pruning is necessary in the life of the believer. We see evidence of this in John 15, where Jesus teaches us that the pruning increases the production of fruit in our lives, so the Father may be glorified. Many times believers will try to escape the bad feelings that come with the pruning, but this process is necessary for our spiritual growth. Even though the pruning process is unpleasant, the end result is joy. The pruning is for the removal of areas of our life that hold us back, while making room for the fire of God to fill us and propel us for His Kingdom’s purposes. The fire of God will give us the spiritual strength we need for victory on every front. Join Dr. Lake and Mary as they pray for an anointing to be released for all of us to be able to discern what needs to be pruned in our lives.


Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and the newly released book, The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell.


Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition


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  1. I am surprised that a scholar like Dr. Lake celebrates Christmas. It may seem a trivial thing but the Dr. knows scripture. The Lord does not want us to worship Him as the pagans worship their gods. He knows the history of Christmas, church history and the scripture. Why is this holiday such a sacred cow in the Christian
    world? Money? A chance to sell books and materials? Very confusing to me.

    1. Dr. lake and Mary do not celebrate Christmas. If you’ve ever heard them tell their testimony of how they came to the understanding of what celebrating Christmas was doing in their lives, you should know that. You obviously don’t know that much about their testimony and ministry if you are saying and thinking what you posted above.

    2. I am surprised that you think that we celebrate Christmas. We have been teaching people of it’s pagan origins for over two decades. In fact, most of our podcasts each December deal with encourage Christians not to celebrate it, as well as the prophetic important of Hanukkah. It is important to do you homework before posting allegations against other believers.

      1. I am happy to hear that. I have searched the web site looking for info on that. I didn’t look in the right place I guess. My apologies. Thank you for replying and thank you for being the only misitry I know of that stands for the truth about Christmas! Good to know.

    3. He does not celebrate Christmas 🙂 his example in this podcast was a reflection of the importance to not celebrate Christmas

    4. How do you know that he does celebrate Christmas?

  2. Thank you both for another great podcast.You’ve confirmed my journal writings exactly a year ago today.You have bought much joy to me, more than you can imagine.The Lord using you both to keep me on track and focused.

    I am thankful for I am not alone. I give Jesus thanks for your ministry.

  3. Wow. I did’n know that someone else was preaching these things. Exposing Easter, Christmas and teaching others to celebrate God’s feasts as given to Israel, Moses and David’s Tabernacle etc.
    We must move from the 2nd realm into the 3rd realm or the Holy of Holies. This the Glory realm or the realm that God’s divinely moves and were we can overcome all.
    I would love to talk to you or send you a few teachings I have to get some feed back but I know you are very busy.
    Blessings to you and your ministry.

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