KIB 107 – A Dragon Roars in America

KIB M and M Edition Podcast

KIB 107 – A Dragon Roars

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
podcast_logo_2In the episode, Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake discuss the Luciferian/Marxist response to Trump’s presidential victory:  hired Marxist thugs at the core of the protests funded by Globalist billionaire, George Soros.  The Globalists and the United Nations are not going to roll over and take this defeat:  they will fight back.  Could troops from the United Nations be brought in to establish peace after paid riots take hold in January?
Another topic that the Lakes are often asked about is how to pray for friends and family members still in the techno-sorcery haze of Mystery Babylon?  This complex subject will be addressed, and scriptural understanding of how to pray will be covered in this all important intelligence briefing.
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive:  Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and the soon to be released book, The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.


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  1. Wonderful podcast as always. Do you have any specifics that we all can be praying for for this country and Mr Trump, his family, and all his preparations?

    1. Wisdom, protection, and divine guidance. Also that the Almighty would defuse the fire lit by the Liberals and Soros in this nation.

  2. Thank you! Will add that to the list of revealing all the hidden things and occult practices and triggers being poured out over this country.

  3. Thank you for this podcast and I am praying for President Trump and his family since he has won and will continue.

  4. Dr. Lake, I have listened to Kingdom Authority over the past month on the way to work. It was given to me as a gift. I have been blessed so much by your teaching on this. So much so that I’m going through it a second time. It has helped me as a father and husband guide me and my family down the right path. I have been having something pressing on me over the last few months. I feel God is calling many of his people to wake up. He’s shown me many things and broken through strongholds the enemy has set up long ago. Keep bringing forth the Word. You are a tool He’s using in these final days to awaken people of God who have been asleep for years…and didn’t know how to wake up. God Bless you Brother Lake…

  5. Dr. And Mrs. LAKE, I am so grateful the Lord caused me to “stumble” onto your teachings. I had been praying for new revelation and the Lord led me right to you. I had not heard about you prior to, but the Lord did! He is aware of your hard work and faithfulness. I am adding you to my monthly contributions list.
    The Passover and the Sabbath and refraining from pork have been issues laid on my heart time and again for the last 3 months now. Your studies, Understanding the Kingdom, mention and bring the Passover and the Sabbath and refraining from pork into a light I haven’t receive any where else.
    I have read, What the witches don’t Want You To Know, and have been blessed and helped by it.
    I thank you both for your obedience to the Lord.
    You are a true blessing.
    As we continue our prayers for this country we also continue our prayers for those whom are still in the dark.

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