KIB 104 – The Kingdom, the Prophets of Baal, and the Election
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Join Dr. Lake and Mary as they explore the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal and how it relates to the election. Dr. Lake discusses the significance of tribulation, kingdom and perseverance. As they delve into the story of Elijah standing against 450 prophets of Baal and 400 of the prophets of the groves which ate at Jezebel’s table, they parallel the events in the news today. As Elijah had to repair the altar of God for the sacrifice, so we must prepare the altar of God that has been broken down today. While Mary prayed with mercy on the last podcast, today her prayers resemble the attitude of Jesus as He overthrew the money changers’ tables. There must be an outcry against the killing of innocent babies in their mothers’ wombs and the defilement of God’s Word, His Name, and His House. We must trump the voices of the modern-day prophets of Baal with the Word of the Lord.
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and the soon to be released book, The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.
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Outstanding mesage. Over Sabbath and Sunday this past weekend, I was under so much oppression. I felt weak, defeated and frusterated. I plead the blood of Jesus over my oppression and it took until Tuesday to feel it break. This message was encouraging to pick up and keep fighting through my Lord and Savior Yeshua.
Dear Mike and Mary, I thank God for the two of you! This podcast was the answer to prayer! I’ve been battling with that pressure and that never ending hum for a while now. I’ve been trying to figure out what it is. Its stealing my energy and making it close to impossible to concentrate. I keep asking God to take it away. It’s been getting me down and my devotions have been up and down because of it. After listening to this podcast I have a much better idea about its source. I need to push though this and keep up with my prayers and alone time with God! Jesus First!! Sometimes I think I’m failing His testing of me. But your podcasts help me to stay in the battle and push on.
God Bless,
Your sister in Christ, Karen
God has just asked me to add you Karen to my prayer list
your sister in messiah
amen amen amen.powerful powerful powerful.. Halleluyah Halleluyah Halleluyah.
Jesus continue to bless you both and your family with divine protection courage and everything that you may need as you continue to be a watchman on the wall.
i love you both and i pray frequently for you.
Shalom Shalom
Did you hear a voice saying, “Right!” and “Yes! continuously during your podcast? It was me.
Pushing on with you and praying for you.
Just wanted to send a quick note in case you weren’t aware of it, but the audio on the podcast is pretty muffled (maybe the lightning strike had something to do with it). It was not as muffled with Dr. Lake’s, but with Mary’s it was much worse It was almost as if Mary was on the other side of the room – I had to turn the volume up when Mary was speaking. Not a huge issue, but wanted to pass this along.
Thank you for your faithfulness and hard work.
Every time that Windows provides an update, we have to spend hours adjusting the system. Those updates come at very inopportune times. Our schedule was so packed yesterday that we were recording the podcast at 7 AM and worked solid until 5 PM. We did not have time to readjust the system to accommodate the Windows update.
Speaking a word in season. That’s what this podcast is.
All of God’s people need to hear this and honor the call retake the ground that’s been lost. It’s now or never.
This includes voting.
Oh I want to thank you so much!!!! It seems like every time that I press into God, I reach a certain point and shut down…BUT I KNOW that I love HIM with all of my heart and soul!! And I pray and cry over the wickedness of our country! Thanks again Dr. Mike and Mrs. Mary Lou–I love you both so much…My prayers and financial support continue you for you both and your ministry…PLEASE DON’T EVER STOP PROCLAIMING THE WORD OF THE LORD!
I find it so interesting when God speaks to me about certain issues and I hear other believers bring up the same things!
Isn’t technology wonderful?! I will listen to you even if the recording is full of static. I listened three times so far and will listen again. The info was so important to me. Thank you both! Even though Mary wasn’t recorded very clear, I still heard her loud and clear.
M & M right on about it is not the enemy’s time …You guys are nailing it.. Please check out a verse Lord gave me January 10;1980… Isaiah ,1: vs 26. About restoring God’s government in His church before the end The Lord bless you and your family real good
Mike, are you torah observant?
We walk in the commandments through Messiah and keep the Feasts.
So no mosaic law, just sermon on the mount?
The commandments were through Moses by the Almighty. We are empowered to walk in them through Messiah and His completed work.
Im looking for a direct answer, so I dont have to make assumptions here. Do you follow the Torah laws? Im not asking if you think the messiah fulfilled or completed them.
I take it that you have not listen to any of my teachings. Yes, I walk in the commandments of God: been teaching it since 1995. The new birth and infilling of the Holy Spirit is to empower the believer to walk in them: it is the very foundation of the Brit Chadasha. The completed work of Messiah did NOT set the commandments aside, rather it caused the Law of God to be written on our hearts (Jer. 31:33). Jesus’ mission was not to set aside the Law, but rather provide the cure for the sin nature. We were freed from the power of iniquity so that we could faithfully walk in the Kingdom and the Law of the Most High.
Thats what I was hoping for. I couldnt find a statement of faith anywhere. Thank you.