Feast Days for 2020
- Sunset March 9 to sunset March 10
- One hour before sunset on April 9 to sunset April 10
- Sunset May 28 to sunset May 29
Feast of Trumpets
- Sunset Sept 18 to sunset Sept 19
Day of Atonement
- Sunset Sept 27 to sunset Sept 28
Start of Tabernacles (First Day)
- Sunset Oct 2 to sunset Oct 3
Last Great Day
- Sunset Oct 10 to sunset Oct 11
- Sunset Dec 10 to sunset Dec 11
Thanks so much for sharing the feast dates for us in the coming year so we can prepare for them!
Please continue to pray for those of us who are living in divided households with spouses and family members who want to celebrate the pagan holiday’s.
Doing my best to swim against the tide and remain faithful to the Lord’s calling but being persecuted daily.
Remembering what the Macabee’s endured to come out of Helenism/Babylon in The Feast of Dedication/Hanukkah had been so helpful!
Thank you so much for faithfully sharing the truth of God’s Holy word to us and demonstrating thru your life and ministry how to walk it out!
May the Lord Bless and keep you both and your family Dr Mike and Marylou! Looking forward to all the new things coming for us and thru your ministry in the new year!
Love in Jesus!
Pamela G
On the Hanukkah date, did you really mean to say Dec 10 to Dec 11, or did you mean to say Dec 10 to Dec 18?
We only count the first day. Anyone that wants to celebrate eight can count from there.
Oh, got it.
Oh, got it. Thanks.
Do you know of anyone teaching how a believer in Yahusha with his new covenants, should observe his feast days? His appointed times? I don’t want to observe the the regular way since we are in a new covenant.
Go to this site and then scroll down to the Feast series: http://www.biblicallifeassembly.org/library/series.htm
Thank you for this information. We are blessed by your teachings. I cannot locate a Pastor in our area that believes/teaches the feast days. Do you know of others in the Carolinas that share your teachings? So few Christians that I know are knowledgeable about the feast days and believe they are only for the Jewish people.
Thank you, I have been looking for you since I was a child. Thank you!!!