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  1. I am so grateful to have found your ministry while listening to Hagmann and Hagmann. I have been listening to your videos and podcasts. I have many reasons to believe several of my family members, including myself, my mom, and an aunt were targeted for mind control related activities as well as my hometown of Corpus Christi Tx. Found an article about Cow Mutilations in Sandia Tx where my Grandma raised her family for a time and I used to live with her till about age 4. We were heavily influenced by the Catholic Church. I feel the Lord drawing my heart more and more to wanting to move to Missouri one day hopefully soon, because of the ministries there that have been so life changing for me. I would love to attend your Bible training one day. With prayers and thanksgiving for your ministry. Sincerely, Angelica Rus

  2. Dear Dr. lake,
    As you and Mary felt the Holy Spirit unctioning you to tell everyone to blow the shofar at the end of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, so too there was a prophecy out of Israel that was on Passover and the L-RD told at 12 noon Israel time to blow the shofar all around the world at that time (an email was sent around the world that morning of that prophecy a few hours before).I am in Canada in Alberta and got it from a friend in BC. We all were told to raise the shofar sound. I read the email/prophecy again before our Seder that evening and many asked what is the connection of this shofar prophecy to Passover. On the sabbath we listened to your podcast with Mary and the teaching that you shared about Jericho and that Passover. You and Mary were saying and sensing the same thing on the last day of the Unleavened Bread! Isn’t G-D amazing! You were both bang on listening to your Messiah! Amazing! Shofars were blown on Passover all over the world and at the end of Unleavened Bread to pull down His Spirit and overcome like at Jericho!

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