Dr. Michael Lake on SkyWatch TV
Dr. Michael Lake was recently at SkyWatch TV and shared about the upcoming True Legends Conference in Branson, MO, and this powerful interview touched on many other topics from the Tower of Babel to Christian growth.
Good morning Dr. Lake,
Thank you so much for your faithfulness to our Lord and for sharing God’s teachings with us. I heard you speak about the 7.83 resonator and I wish to purchase one for my home. Would you mind sharing your recommendation on a preferred resonator unit or post on your website for consideration. I am also purchasing a copy of the Gensix conference but I wish I could have attended.
I am presently reading The Sheeriyth Imperative and God is opening my eyes to the battle field we find ourselves. I am thankful for your teachings. Sadly, unfortunately I am not the only one, for years I struggled and wondered about the messages taught in many the Christian denominations. I have visited many denominations over the past 23 years and I now understand and feel at peace and have grown so much in my love and faith for our Lord Jesus Christ.
I understand you are very busy so I will understand if I do not receive a response to my request. I wanted to share I hear and receive the message God is speaking to His children, the bride of Christ.
Thank you brother and may our Lord continue to bless you, your family and the full body of Christ.
Amen and Amen
Your sister in the Lord
Lisa Alderman
Calgary Alberta Canada
We use a unit by Total Shield and purchased it through Amazon.com here in the US. Hopefully, Amazon will also carry it in Canada.