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  1. Speaking of Lima, Ohio….Thanks for coming to our state.

    Sure, it can be a “blah” state to visit but Ohio really needs a whole lot of spiritual help.

    1. Don’t know about “blah.” Dr. Mike Spaulding and his church did a wonderful job of building a platform of prayer for the conference (which was a wonderful gathering of believers). I have already committed to return next year!

      1. “Blah” in regards to a lack of a stunning landscape. Though the Great Lakes are nice! Or, the Appalachian foothills on the east side.
        Thankful I was able to live stream from home. Lima is still quite a trip for me. Hope to see ya again next year.

  2. A question about the Tares
    I’m hearing things my spirit seems to not receive and I’ve been given another angle but trust you both

    Who are the Tares … that the enemy has sown

    1. I believe that they are those from the occult that have been planted in churches around the world to impede the growth of ministries, to destroy pastors, stop revival, etc. They pretend to be believers, but do not walk in godly fear, have never submitted to Jesus (although they are experts in Christian lingo), and will never bear the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.

      1. Amen! So many churches, ministries and Christian organizations have been infiltrated by these wolves in sheep’s clothing! It seems to be everywhere!
        Its easy to see now when Jesus says that in the end days even the very elect could potentially be decieved.
        These imposters are very difficult to discern at times apart from the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. This is why we are commanded to test every spirit to know whether or not it comes from God.

        I have recently had to leave my position in a major national intercessors prayer ministry under the leadership of a well recognized prophetic leader because the Holy Spirit unveiled the witchcraft that has been implanted into this ministry including a form of “reverse spell casting” that is being seeded into prophetic messages being posted by one of this ministry’s leaders.Some of these imposters are in fact MK ultra type programed individuals that are also demonized and sent to oppress and destroy Christians or at the very least distract them from their prayer ministry.
        Our spiritual warfare needs to be ramped up without a doubt and do we ever need to know our authority in Christ!

        We must have our eyes completely fixed on Jesus, walk according to His commandments, keep short accounts with God from sin and seek His Kingdom first and foremost so that we are not decieved by the clever schemes of our adversary.

  3. Your message was such a blessing today and filled with so many rich truth’s! It is awesome to see how God is setting the captives free and preparing His remnant body of true believers for the days ahead, much of which will really test our faith. The Holy Spirit has been releasing so many of the same things to me that you spoke about today! Wonderful confirmation from like minds in Christ’s body!
    A time of separation is coming between true believers and cultural Christians, the Holy Spirit led body walking in power and those who are content to play church as usual. The Lord is burning off the dross from those who are seeking Him in spirit and in truth and separating out the wheat from the chaff.
    Thank you Dr Mike and Mary for sharing in love and truth God’s work and leading in your lives!
    Blessings in Jesus to you both!

  4. We are lifting to up in prayer for protection against the enemy for we know you are fighting a graet battle. we want you to know were with in that battle. Blessing and Shalom. Also prayer for any healing needs

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