KIB 145 – Proof the Remnant is Making a Difference

KIB M and M Edition Podcast

KIB 145 – Proof the Remnant is Making a Difference

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

On today’s podcast, Dr. Lake and Mary share some insights about victims of mind control being sent from other countries as reinforcements for the occult in America.  They give an overview of the process of taking situations that cause anger and turning them around for Kingdom purposes.  They share with listeners the places that need our targeted prayers, and also how to pray for the victims that are being used by the kingdom of darkness.  Dr. Lake discusses Psalm 82, and Mary shares how those in the occult use transfers of infirmities through clothing and money, plus how they can transfer sickness when we pray for them.  Mary shares how she was able to pray and stop this.  They discuss the defilement of a salt covenant, and Mary shares an article on a Masonic ceremony baptism by Albert Pike, with the link below.
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive:  Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and the newly released book, The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.


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  1. PLEASE MARY AND MIKE don’t allow the disturbing emails/words to stop what you two do….. I live in the corrupt state of CA I was born and raised in Oklahoma , I/we need your voice and teachings on all theses sensitive areas and subjects thank you for,your strength to keep going forward WE need you,guys through theses teachings we lift you up in prayer and we lean into the Lord for the strength on all levels in CA it’s aweful,what’s going on with the homeless/drugs/no work and the cost of living going up here……in tears I thank you Sincerely for my heart oh an also please continue to be transparent on the evil emails because through there evil words we get strength ……thank you!!! Christi

  2. Thank you so much for this wonderful teaching. I needed to be reminded about some things, especially about praying over food. I recently went to two restaurants while trying to care for my aging mother who was in the hospital, and became ill both times. Very strange things, but now it makes sense. May the Lord continue to bless you both. Also, just wanted to share that I had been praying for the last couple of years, not knowing what was coming. During hurricane harvey, my home was one of six that didn’t flood in my sub-division while so many did, nor did my mother’s house or other family members. It was God’s mercy and grace. I am so thankful to Him for answers to prayer!

  3. Much love and blessings in YEHOVAH to you Mike & Mary.
    What an awesome teaching!!
    I was thinking to myself in the beginning of this teaching ‘I think I may have to listen to this again.’–the confirmation when you mentioned listening to teachings over and over to get information on several levels!
    Loved the info on the different covenants and the warning on food and eating out. WOW! I barely eat out but have been sure to pray over all food and water but now the food and water must pray over and break all curses in YESHUA’s name!!
    Thank you again.
    May your day and week be blessed in YEHOVAH and may HE restore and rejuvenate you both from all the hard work you do for HIS glorious heavenly kingdom.

  4. I cannot stop thanking God for you, your teachings and how He brought you into my life (I Thes 2:2). Your teachings have and continue to help me grow spiritually. Thank you Sis Mary for all you share about prayer and how to pray. I love to pray and have learned so so so much from you both on prayer. I pray for you both continually. Thanks Dr Lake for sharing about how you pray over food and why. God’s blessings on you both and all that concerns you…

  5. In my earlier post, I meant Thes 1:2. Best,

  6. One last post I meant to share earlier and I welcome your thoughts. There was a prophet of God who prophesied publicly at a conference back in 2015 about Houston being flooded. A short excerpt (6 mins) of the entire message is in this link,

    I must say that this prophet teaches powerfully on the kingdom of God and has numerous messages that are quite similar to your teaching, Dr. Lake (such as no pre-trib rapture, how prayer can sometimes alter prophecy, etc).

    Thank you and be blessed…

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