We are in a season of God restoring and activating the Remnant for His purposes in the earth. As a part of the restoration process, the Almighty will begin restoring visions for ministry that He had given, where circumstances and discouragement had delayed their fruition. The reactivation of His kingdom visions will be strategic, according to His purposes and His plans. The Lakes also share how this has happened in their own lives to include Phase 2 of what God is calling them to do. Important information!!
Tag: Vision
KIB 168 – Mystery Religions and the Kingdom in Dynamic Tension
KIB 168 – Mystery Religions and the Kingdom in Dynamic Tension Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Historically, the Mystery Religions and the Kingdom of God have been in dynamic tension. One of the best illustrations of this conflict/relationship is the story of Jacob and Laban. Everyone remembers the transfer of wealth in this story through the […]