Both the story of Passover and when Joshua was preparing to take Jericho teaches the modern Church an important lesson regarding the covenant. When we take our covenant seriously, heaven moves, and hell trembles. In the current prophetic season, heaven is calling us to a new level of fidelity regarding the covenant we have with our King.
Tag: Passover
KIB 348 – Time to Believe for Miracles
The prophetic connection between Passover and the Messiah’s death, burial, and resurrection provides a window for a double-portion anointing. We are on the edge of a new tide of God’s power and a new level of walking in the Kingdom. We must prepare, as Joshua did, before taking the city of Jericho. We must make sure that we are aligned with Heaven and walking in covenant!
KIB 302 – Passover, Jericho, and Bringing Down Strongholds
This episode begins with Mary discussing both ribbon and Barbie doll programming. Then, Dr. Lake examines ancient secrets regarding the foundations of Jericho and its Nephilim connection. Finally, Joshua’s biblical template of bringing down Jericho’s stronghold is examined and how these truths can be applied to your life. Remnant, it is time to move forward into God’s promises for your life!
KIB 253 – It’s Time to Shout During the Pandemic
Every believer knows the story of Passover and its marked victory over Pharaoh. However, few realize that there was another victory during the Feast of Unleavened Bread against a Nephilim-based stronghold – Jericho. It was during the days of Unleavened Bread that Israel marched around the walls of Jericho and ended with a mighty shout that brought the walls down. The same thing can happen today with the pandemic agenda of the Elite. This episode is a call to action for the Remnant worldwide!
KIB 252 – Hope in the Midst of the Storm
In the midst of the current pandemic, people are asking, “Is our prophetic goose cooked, or is there a plan of God for after the storm?” We also need to ask ourselves, “What does the Almighty want us to do during this storm?” Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake work to answer these questions and more in this new podcast. How we respond now, both to God and the working of the Luciferian Elite, may well determine what will happen after the storm!
Passover and the Lamb of God
Passover and the theme of salvation is the supreme narrative in the Word of God. In this episode, Dr. Lake traces the promise of the One who would redeem humanity from the garden of Eden, Passover, and then to the Cross. At the end of the message, he celebrates the LORD’s supper. So, make sure you have grape juice and crackers (or matzah bread) handy for you and your family.
KIB 251 – Pandemic, Passover, and 2020
In this episode, Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake examine some of the news about the current pandemic and call for wisdom and common sense for all believers. Passover is just around the corner. The Lakes first share some interesting insights from the Word of God. Then Mary shares how she has prepared for Passover: providing ideas and suggestions for your family to follow as we remember what Messiah has accomplished for us.
The Scroll of Destiny: Dr. Lake on Remnant Restoration Now You See TV
Passover, the Lamb of God, and the Scroll of Destiny Part 4
There are those that say that there are no mysteries in the Word of God. Yet from the beginning, God’s plan was hidden from all. A key to understanding one of the major mysteries is to follow the lamb: from Abraham to Passover to the Cross . . . and even beyond! What started in Abraham leads to Revelation 5 and the Scroll of Destiny. Hell does not understand it, but you will in this four-part mini-series!
Passover, the Lamb of God, and the Scroll of Destiny Part 3
There are those that say that there are no mysteries in the Word of God. Yet from the beginning, God’s plan was hidden from all. A key to understanding one of the major mysteries is to follow the lamb: from Abraham to Passover to the Cross . . . and even beyond! What started in Abraham leads to Revelation 5 and the Scroll of Destiny. Hell does not understand it, but you will in this four-part mini-series!