Tag: Kingdom of God

KIB – The Zeal of Phinehas

We can discover prophetic patterns in the Old Testament that reveal present states in the Church today.  Rebellion against the leaders of Almighty God is one of them.  The doctrine of Balaam was warned about by the Old Testament prophets and by Jesus in the book of Revelation.  What is the doctrine of Balaam, and how can we overcome it in our generation? 

KIB 405 – Overcoming the Deceptions of the Enemy

Who knew something as innocent as a doll would open the door to the destruction of the family and American society?  No one knew that the Barbie doll was initially called the Lilly doll in Germany and was modeled after a prostitute, sold as a toy in sex shops, and connected to the Astaroth and Innana – the female goddess of prostitution.  Yet, look what has happened to our society since this icon of Innana was brought to this country.  It is time to recognize the enemy’s deceptions, repent, and overturn the idols of the old gods!

KIB 404 – Blessing the Lord as a Part of Spiritual Warfare

Blessing the Lord, even during the storm, is a powerful weapon in the believer’s arsenal.  When we bless God, it changes our perspective and focus.  When we bless God amid a spiritual battle, it causes the Lord to still our adversaries (Ps. 8:2).  It is time for the remnant to refocus and armor up for the war ahead!

KIB 403 – UFOs, the Bible, and the Last Days

With the congressional hearings this past week, we are on the edge of official disclosure regarding alien life. These beings are not interstellar; they are interdimensional! The Great Deception is about to be revealed. How does the alien agenda align with Bible prophecy and spiritual warfare? How do believers protect themselves from the coming deception?

KIB 402 – From Mourning to Victory

In the time of Moses, the children of Israel did the unthinkable:  they refused God’s command to cross over the Jordan and enter the Promised Land.  Not only did they refuse, but they made false accusations against Almighty God.  This act of rebellion opened the door to the enemy that became Tisha B’Av.  Twice on this date, the Temple of God was destroyed.  Over the centuries since, this date has been used by the enemy many times.  Yet through Christ, this date of mourning can be transformed to a day of victory.

KIB 401 – Declaring War on Doublemindedness

The world system has programmed the Church to be doubleminded.  Doublemindedness has affected the potency of our prayers, contaminated our theology, and diluted the power and presence of God in our midst.  It is time to declare war on doublemindedness and to possess minds that are singularly focused on Christ, His Word, and His Kingdom.

KIB 399 – Understanding and Overcoming the Triune Nature of Sin

Sin can infect and affect every aspect of our being.  In fact, sin can affect more than just ourselves:  it can affect future generations.  Christ gave us the power to overcome sin and to break its hold on ourselves and our posterity.  It is time for us to recognize sin as the enemy and drive it from our lives and families.

KIB 398 – Transformation to Covenant People

It is time for the people of God to walk out of spiritual Egypt/Babylon and become covenant people.  For most of us, this transformation occurs one step at a time.  Each step takes us further from Babylon and closer to moving into God’s Kingdom.  We must become our own gate keepers, rather than allowing to world’s system to control us.  We need to become the elders in the gate in our homes and communities of faith.