Tag: Freemasonry

KIB 466 – Sir Francis Bacon and the KJV Bible

Enigmatic statesman Sir Francis Bacon is shrouded in mystery. Hidden from the view of the uninitiated, Bacon and his Knights of the Helmet were the driving force behind William Shakespeare and the artistic language of the King James Version of the Bible. Although the final version of the KJV stayed true to the work of the deeply devoted Christian men who labored tirelessly to create the original draft of the KJV Bible, Bacon’s group produced the “Shakespeare” effect and encoded Bacon’s name into the text. Shakespeare and the KJV Bible transformed the English language and enabled Great Britain to become the superpower of its day.

🔥 The Battle Against Mystery Babylon in 2025: Questioning Everything and Finding Truth | KIB 465

In this episode, we discuss:

✅ The increasing ranks of resistance against Mystery Babylon worldwide 🌍
✅ The significance of biblical foundations and how deception has infiltrated Christianity
✅ The power of prayer & spiritual warfare against enemy schemes 🛡️
✅ Exposing hidden agendas in world systems, including the Roman Catholic Church & Freemasonry
✅ The importance of biblical feast days and rejecting pagan traditions
✅ Prophetic warnings about spiritual battles unfolding NOW!

Unveiling the Dark Priesthood: Biblical Prophecy, End Times & Spiritual Warfare – BLTVKP05

In this powerful episode of the Kingdom Priesthood series, we dive into a profound examination of biblical prophecy, the ancient conflict between priesthoods, and how these truths resonate in today’s spiritual battle. Discover the origins of the “dark priesthood,” explore the story of Cain and Abel, and understand how ancient texts like Genesis and the Book of Enoch reveal insights into the forces opposing God’s people. This message is a call to the remnant believers—prepare to stand firm in your faith and light as we explore spiritual warfare, the end times, and God’s ultimate redemptive plan.

KIB444 – The Mystery Religions and the Conclusion of Solomon

King Solomon was bitten by the Mystery Religions bug and attempted to reassemble its fragmented knowledge.  In his day, it was the precursor to Freemasonry, the New Age, and many other esoteric groups.  In the end, Solomon declared that they all were folly and madness!  The modern Church needs to learn from King Solomon and heed the admonition and warnings of Eccl. 12:9-14!

KIB 443 – The Church and Unfruitful Works

Large segments of the modern Church have embraced New Age doctrines on various levels.  From opening the door to a Kundalini spirit to teaching remote viewing to aspiring prophets, claims of “game-changing” abilities seem to fill the Internet.  Yet, these so-called “superpowers” have little effect on the currents of darkness that are now sweeping over the world.  At ground level, the Jezebel spirit has been so embedded into Western society that it continues to wreak havoc on families both inside the Church and the world.  It is time to return to the purity of the Word of God and the power of the Kingdom in this hour.

KIB 118 – Counterfeit Vs. Real | Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

KIB 118 – Counterfeit Vs. Real Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Join Dr. Lake and Mary on today’s podcast, as they discuss the imminent judgment of witchcraft and rebellion.  They bring Ezekiel 13 into a modern vernacular, with a direct correlation to the activities of those in the occult today.  They review the activities of the Order […]

The Shinar Directive – Part 8

The Shinar Directive – Part 8 The Institutes of Nimrod II By Michael K. Lake, Th.D.  Freemasonry The origin of Freemasonry, according to Masonic scholars, focuses on two theories: Nimrod was the first Mason and established the order. The Knights Templar and their secrets evolved into modern-day Freemasonry. I have been asked over the years […]