Tag: faith

KIB 467 – Controlling of the Masses and America’s Occult Holidays

Welcome to Kingdom Intelligence Briefing! In this powerful episode (#467), Dr. Michael Lake and Mary Lou discuss the spiritual and practical challenges faced by the remnant of the Most High God in these prophetic times. Gain insight into the ongoing spiritual warfare, the importance of stepping out of Babylon’s systems, and preparing for God’s end-time revival. From spiritual preparedness to global events, this episode will encourage and equip you to stand firm as part of the resistance against Mystery Babylon.

The Potter and the Clay: God’s Transformative Power to Heal and Restore | KIB462

Join Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake for an empowering episode of Kingdom Intelligence Briefing. Explore profound teachings about the potter’s wheel, divine restoration, and God’s anointing to heal broken vessels in these last days. Learn how the remnant can overcome the Babylonian system, embrace their Kingdom identity, and be transformed into vessels of honor for God’s glory.

Unveiling the Dark Priesthood: Biblical Prophecy, End Times & Spiritual Warfare – BLTVKP05

In this powerful episode of the Kingdom Priesthood series, we dive into a profound examination of biblical prophecy, the ancient conflict between priesthoods, and how these truths resonate in today’s spiritual battle. Discover the origins of the “dark priesthood,” explore the story of Cain and Abel, and understand how ancient texts like Genesis and the Book of Enoch reveal insights into the forces opposing God’s people. This message is a call to the remnant believers—prepare to stand firm in your faith and light as we explore spiritual warfare, the end times, and God’s ultimate redemptive plan.

KIB 453 – Raising a Kingdom Standard in Prayer

While Isa. 59:19 has practical applications for the believer’s life, its primary interpretation is Christ’s return to defeat the armies of the Antichrist.   There are many false teachings regarding prayer and faith that are popular today.  However, it is the task of the Remnant to return to proper biblical interpretations and applications to experience Kingdom power in the Last Days.

KIB 374 – Keeping a Kingdom Paradigm

God hates injustice (Prov 6:16-19). As we pray, the Almighty will reveal and bring to justice those in government and industry who have sought to destroy America and enslave the world. It is also essential to keep a Kingdom mindset amid all that is happening today. The apostle Paul provides practical instructions to the Body in Phil. 4:4-9 that are more applicable today than ever before.

KIB 373 – A Rahab Moment in the Future

The fear of the LORD is powerful:  it can transform those caught in the worst of circumstances and bring them in line with Kingdom purposes.  We are entering a season in which the Holy Spirit will release this holy fear to transform captives into whistleblowers strategically!  We believe Almighty God will uncover the underbelly of corruption in the U.S. and Western society that cannot be denied or covered up.  Everything hidden is going to be revealed.  The Remnant must be ready for this Rahab Moment.

KIB 371 – God’s Character as the Victor

In the den of warfare for the soul of humanity, it is easy to forget that God is a man of war.  Being the absolute victor is part of His character.  We must lift our eyes from the current struggle and see the glorious wonder of the God we serve.  The Almighty is our shield, and He has the back of the Remnant!  Let faith rise in our hearts, for victory is just around the next bend!

KIB 370 – The Releasing of the Spirit of Elijah

The spirit (anointing of Elijah) is always released before the appearance of Messiah.  We see this anointing in the ministry of John the Baptist.  We will see it again in our day as Heaven releases this prophetic refreshing in new and powerful ways upon thousands of men and women worldwide who have been waiting in desert places for God to release them.  As Habakkuk, they will be standing on their watches waiting for a STRONG word for the Lord.

KIB 369 – An Open Heaven and the Coming Judgment

We have just celebrated the Feast of Trumpets and are in the Days of Awe.  This is a prophetic time for repentance.  It is also a time when the King is in the field, which means that Heaven is speaking and that the King has made Himself available to hear our petitions in this prophetic season.  Heaven is waiting to listen to the cry for Kingdom warriors:  those that will fight to see the King’s purposes released into the earth.  It is a time for Kingdom power and purpose to be released upon the Remnant.  Are you crying out to the King?  Have you made yourself ready?