Prophetic Word for This Season: Repair | Rebuild | Expand
There are ten primary remembrances for which the shofar is blown on the Festival of Trumpets. Each of these remembrances highlights a unique aspect of the festival:
- The Coronation of the King
- The Call to Repentance (Ten Days of Awe)
- The Giving of the Torah at Sinai (Because the Torah Cycle was Restarted)
- Warning of Impending Judgment (Ten Days of Awe)
- The Destruction and Future Rebuilding of the Temple
- The Binding of Isaac
- Fear of God
- The Day of Judgment (Yom Kippur)
- The Ingathering of Israel
- The Resurrection of the Dead
The Feast of Trumpets is also connected to:
The Ten Days of Awe and the Wedding Feast: (1) In biblical times, weddings usually happened on Wednesday, because the bride was given three days to prepare for the coming of the Bridegroom and, (2) The Wedding Feast would last for seven days. TOTAL 10
The King is in the Field – the Ten Days of Awe: Another link to the Feast of Trumpets and the Ten Days of Awe was the tradition for the Kings of Israel to be in the field during those days. This represents direct access to the King for everyone within his kingdom. I also believe this is connected to the time of announcements made from Heaven.
This Year
God is speaking an express prophetic word during the Fall Feasts this year: Repair – Rebuild – Expand. This prophetic word will challenge and empower you for what God is starting this Fall and will do throughout 2015! Learn how to be prepared for what God will do in the Fall of 2014 through the end of 2105!
Thank you LORD!!! for the work you are doing through Bro Michael Lake, this preaching and teaching is so powerful and inspirational.
Isaiah 26:9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.