Tag: Hebraic Heritage

KIB455 – Returning to Our First Love

The religious spirit will creep into any movement:  Baptist, Charismatic, or Hebraic Heritage.  This spirit’s chief agenda is to replace a dynamic, living relationship with Christ with that of organizations or dogmas.  The Remnant will also first seek their relationship with the King and operate in His Kingdom at His pleasure, not their own.  This will be essential in the days ahead.

BLTVKP01 – Introduction to the Kingdom Priesthood Series

In The Shinar Directive, we journeyed down the Luciferian rabbit hole to discover the matrix of darkness that has engulfed our planet.  In The Sheeriyth Imperative, we dug deeper to unearth the power source of hell, and we discovered how the body of Christ can labor to impede its functioning in the earth and lay the groundwork for revival.  Now, it is time to unveil the mysteries of both the Priesthood of the Kingdom of God and the priesthood of darkness.  Until these mysteries are understood, God’s remnant cannot realize their purpose or be released with heaven’s power to overcome the agenda of the fallen denizens of the Second Heaven.

The Kingdom Priesthood is a training manual for the remnant to discover their priesthood, their purpose, and their service to Almighty God.

The Strategic Nature of the Conflict Between Heaven and Hell

God views the temporal dimension (linear time) differently than we do.  We see in the moment.  We may see the years or decades regarding the Kingdom of God if we are insightful.  However, God sees beyond the millennia.  The Almighty’s interaction with His people (both in ancient Israel and the historical Body of Messiah) is strategic, measured, and multidimensional. 

UTK103 – The Kingdom Under Attack

As believers, we are living in hostile territory.  Yet, the Laodicean atmosphere of Western society has dulled our senses to this reality.  The political, social, educational, and religious landscapes are infected with the toxins of Mystery Babylon.  We must awaken to the fact that the Kingdom is under constant attack from both without and within.  Only then can we properly gird ourselves with truth and move forward to fulfill our Kingdom assignments in this prophetic hour.