KIB 228 – Praise, Authority, and the Fall Feasts
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
It is time for the Body of Christ to return to the Book of Psalms and to enter into the Fall Feasts with biblical praise. Drawing from Ps. 67 and 92, the Lakes show how praise will open the door for divine justice and healing. It will also cause a transition in the life of the believer to begin moving in great authority and to pray the Davidic-styled spiritual warfare prayers that will be drawn from the Book of Psalms that we need in this hour. Change is coming from the throne of Heaven!!
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling books, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell. Dr. Lake is a popular speaker at national Christian conferences and is a frequent guest on many Christian TV and radio/podcast programs in North America.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side by side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years and is the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.
Question One: Since the ark of the covenant was no longer in the temple during Jesus’s day, what were the priests doing when they went into the Holy of Holies? Is there any commentaries on this?
Question Two: How may we pray for your mother, Mike?
Good question. I am not sure that Dr. Lake has commented on this. Perhaps like the modern church, they were just going through the motions.
Dr. Lake’s mother is entering into the last stage of her life here on earth. Pray for strength, grace, and wisdom for the family.
Not only will I be praying for strength, grace and wisdom for the family, but also for peace, comfort and freedom from pain for Mike’s mother. I DEEPLY appreciate your response, Steve. May the entire family experience God’s presence during this time.
Amen. we are in His Army. Amen.
Great teaching! Thank you so much for this encouragement! There is great power in the praises of God’s people to destroy the strongholds of the enemy! Hallelujah!
I have been teaching biblical study on spiritual warfare and the Holy Spirit keeps saying….teach them about their authority in Jesus! We can not have victory in the battles we are facing without understanding who we are as priests and kings in Yeshua!
Please, please please get these teachings you mentioned doing out to the body Dr. Lake. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places, Ephesians 2:6 and as such we can deal with the devil under kingdom authority from the throne room of God!
Can’t wait for this arsenal of teaching info to add to what the Lord has me doing. So preach it and teach it brother! The body is anxious to be equipped to become special forces warriors for our Lord and Savior.
We don’t need any more Christian casualties but Holy Spirit empowered super soldiers to fight the battles and bring in the harvest for the kingdom! Amen!
Dr. Mike and Marylou you are such beautiful, inspiring, humble servants of the Most High!
Love and blessings in Jesus to you both!
Dr. Lake already has one session filmed, but he is struggling with finding the time to edit and prepare for TV. His mother is in the final stages of her life and his family is laboring every day to take care of her and help her in this time in your life. It does appear that he should be able to film two sessions per month for the next few months. Steve Adams
Thank you. I am trying to learn covenant. Am asking the Lord to show me in my everyday reading. Psalm 92:14 is a verse I preach to myself and my old friends. We are all 80 s and up. God keeps us to finish our work. We are part of a small church in Waterloo Ontario
A core group is praying for Godly leadership.
Thank you. I have your 2 books. Shinar and Sheeryith.
Marg Age 87
I would highly recommend this series on understanding the Noahide Laws by Dr. Steven Pidgeon.
What Chrislam is rolling out is the one world religion, the basis of which will be the Talmudic/ synogogue of Satan Noahide Laws. These laws are horrific and will be the foundational core of the anti-christ beast system used to snuff out Christianity and the belief in Jesus as Messiah.
Please keep your eyes folks on Israel. The Sanhedrin is going to role out this system which will bring the world, both Jew and Gentile under the deception of the anti-christ which the Zionists will hardily support and embrace. Israel is in turmoil right now without a functioning government so to speak. They are ripe for the picking by these agents of darkness operating thru Chabad Lubovitch and others such as the Pope who are in cohoots with the anti-christ beast system.
As believers in the true Messiah, Yeshua we need to arm ourselves with the knowledge big the plans of the enemy.
Time to pray fervently brothers and sisters! Our time is short!
Dr. Lake has reviewed it and has been recommending it ever since it was released. Steve
Wonderful teaching, prayers and praise in the midst of our spiritual warfare against our enemy for the remnant. Glory be to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Pastor Lake my name is Rhonda Lynn Marcello and I am a child of the One True King washed in the blood of Jesus Christ and forgiven of all my sins. I have repented of everything I can remember and everything I have forgotten. I have forgiven everyone dead or alive that sinned against me . Yesterday after praying for my 2 brothers ( one lives with me and loves the Lord) the other has turned aside. The Holy Spirit said: ” Will you fast for them”? I said yes Lord so I skipped food till the evening. This morning in my sleep I saw this ghost like huge spirit hand and arm reach through my window and slam it’s fist on my desk and it flew across my room to my bed. I then looked and this young man in a hooded cloak was standing at the foot of my bed smiling and putting on gloves. I said Noooooo! And I woke up. ( was afraid in my dream of what he was about to do but NOT afraid when I woke up. I immediately repented again if there were any open doors and began praying against these witchcraft astral projection spirits etc. The devil has no place in me..I have totally submitted my life to God’s plans and yield my body, soul and being to the Holy Spirit. I’m just a handful of dirt that is willing to becused by my King.
Sister Rhonda, it sounds like you are in deed fighting the good fight of the faith in Yeshua!
I work in healing and deliverance ministry and what I might suggest to you is to pray specifically over possible generational/bloodline ties to anything in the occult in your family’s history. Pray for the blood of Jesus to cover your family bloodlines and to redeem them back to God as far back as the Holy Spirit shows you that you need to do this. Ask Jesus to cleanse the DNA of all your family members and to break off any curses, hexes, spells etc that have been seeded there and pray for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit to cleanse and heal all the same with His refreshing and renewing Spirit!
I will recommend a couple of things you may find helpful that teach on breaking generational bondages and supply encouraging prayers to use. Restoring the Broken Walls of Past Generations by Eleanor Butkiewicz and Jubbile Resources International.
Also I would highly encourage you to walk closely in obedience to God’s commandments by becoming a Sabbath and Feast Keeper if you are not already doing so. Walking in obedience to the Lord not only provides protection but brings great blessings into our lives.
Dr. Lake has a wonderful mp3 series on the resources section of his website on both the Sabbath and the Feasts of the Lord that you can listen to for free. He also has put out a terrific study guide you can purchase through his website on learning and studying the feasts of the Lord. I know these materials most definitely helped me in deepening my faith and walk with the Lord.
I will be praying for you and if you would like any additional help and support please feel free to contact me.
God Bless! Jesus is our hope and salvation!
Sister Rhonda, it sounds like you are in deed fighting the good fight of the faith in Yeshua!
I work in healing and deliverance ministry and what I might suggest to you is to pray specifically over possible generational/bloodline ties to anything in the occult in your family’s history. Pray for the blood of Jesus to cover your family bloodlines and to redeem them back to God as far back as the Holy Spirit shows you that you need to do this. Ask Jesus to cleanse the DNA of all your family members and to break off any curses, hexes, spells etc that have been seeded there and pray for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit to cleanse and heal all the same with His refreshing and renewing Spirit!
I will recommend a couple of things you may find helpful that teach on breaking generational bondages and supply encouraging prayers to use. Restoring the Broken Walls of Past Generations by Eleanor Butkiewicz and Jubbile Resources International.
Also I would highly encourage you to walk closely in obedience to God’s commandments by becoming a Sabbath and Feast Keeper if you are not already doing so. Walking in obedience to the Lord not only provides protection but brings great blessings into our lives.
Dr. Lake has a wonderful mp3 series on the resources section of his website on both the Sabbath and the Feasts of the Lord that you can listen to for free. He also has put out a terrific study guide you can purchase through his website on learning and studying the feasts of the Lord. I know these materials most definitely helped me in deepening my faith and walk with the Lord.
I will be praying for you and if you would like any additional help and support please feel free to contact me.
God Bless! Jesus is our hope and salvation!