Healing for Victims of Trauma and Abuse with Dissociative Identity Disorder – Part 5 by Mary Lou Lake
Healing for Victims of Trauma and Abuse with Dissociative Identity Disorder Series by Mary Lou Lake

In this podcast series, Mary Lou Lake discusses complex issues involving the occult, mind control, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), and spiritual warfare. She shares her personal healing journey as a victim of mind control and reveals how Almighty God exposed secrets in the town where she grew up. In the midst of an extensive period of attacks from individuals involved in the occult, she eventually came to the conclusion that she only remembered a portion of her past and that her mind had been fragmented. She reveals how Almighty God guided her, step by step, through deliverance and restoration. Mary Lou believes that there are many Christians that have experienced similar circumstances and continue to struggle because they are unaware of what has happened to them. Through these podcasts, she hopes to shed light on some of the secrets of the kingdom of darkness and mind control and discuss how someone can have a fragmented mind and be oblivious to the fact. Above all, she wants to give glory to Almighty God for all He has done and to give hope to the hopeless by sharing how much Almighty God loves them and how He can provide a way out of any prison.
Warning: These podcasts contain narratives that include information on mind control and can have a destabilizing effect on victims. If you experience any unpleasant reactions to the information, please stop listening and contact a trained Christian counselor.
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Your ministry has been such a help to my walk prophetically and in liberation ministry. While I have not had programming that I can think of in the sens eyouve been describing I do know I was and have been an occult victim in the dream realm. I’ve been writing a book on the history of Christmas and analyzing it from an evangelical Christian, messianic, and pagan understanding to ask the hard questions the church has not examined in scripture and church history, while witnessing to the pagans who have nothing to hide in the origins of the holiday.
I wish there was a way to speak with you on the phone to ask about programming and witchcraft practices to confirm some things. Recently things have been falling apart since I prayed for Elohim to remove the gate keepers and watchers from my family. The next day – the day of the eclipse my family seemed angry and tense. I felt it too. I had equipment failures, business has been rough. Thankfully God has been faithful and things are slowly starting to come back to normal. I know things are not right. I know I have mind control issues in my family but I can’t out my finger on all of it 100%.
Mary Lou,
Again, I want to thank you for all your efforts in helping to free God’s children from the grip of the enemy.
I too highly recommend the teachings done by your husband found on the Biblical life web site.
It’s been a few years now for me since I first happened to catch an interview that Dr. Lake was the guest at Skywatch t.v. It was a 3 part discussion about the Shinar directive. At the point in time, there was no way I could buy the book.
I was so impressed. It was during the 2nd part that your husband mentioned the free teachings for anyone wanting to learn. And boy…the joy, the hope. I can’t put into words the overwhelming appreciation for access to such a vast library of knowledge. At that point in time I had just learned as well accepted the truth of the origins of somany “traditions” starting with December 25th. As a mother of 7, it was at the time the most difficult pill to swallow.
Anyway, thank you and your husband as well. I too, have grown rather fond and feel a bond of trust and love to you both. May you both forever continue in your works glorifying the Father.
In Jesus’s mighty name.