Eclipse, Judgment and Standing in the Court of The LORD – Dr. Michael Lake & Steve Quayle | The Hagmann Report

Total Eclipse, Judgment, and Standing in the Court of The LORD – Dr. Michael Lake & Steve Quayle

The Hagmann Report


Here is a glimpse of what Dr. Michael Lake and Steve Quayle cover in this powerful episode:

In the total eclipse on Monday, there were both Masonic and biblical numbers involved.  We are standing at a pivotal point in history.  The Body of Christ must move beyond salvic issues and learn to stand in the Court of the LORD to seek the judgment of God against the enemies of the Kingdom!


Note:  Steve and Michael are in the second and third hours of the show.


Steve is the former editor and publisher of Survival Quest and Security and Survival Chronicles – monthly newsletters which dealt with perilous events and how to prepare for them.

For the past seven years, Quayle has articulated the need for Americans to be aware of bioterrorism and weapons of mass destruction. Upon publication of Breathe No Evil, Quayle upstaged mainstream media by years spelling out detailed effects of bioterrorism. Prior to publication of Breathe No Evil, Quayle went on record predicting a major chemical or biological attack in a large world city. Three weeks later, the Aum Shinrikyo cult released nerve gas in the Tokyo subway.

Steve continues to shout from the rooftops, his concern for the massive loss of life due to lack of civil defense and preparation in the public and private sectors. Breathe No Evil was written as an antidote for fear informing people of the necessary steps to take prior to biological and chemical terrorism.


Dr. Michael K. Lake. Dr. Lake holds doctorates in theology and religious education, and he is the chancellor and founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary, and the pastor of Biblical LIfe Assembly. In 1995, Dr. Lake and his family found themselves in the crosshairs of an all-out attack from the occult community.

From the Introduction of Dr. Michael Lake’s book, The Sherriyth Imperative, we read these words:

“In The Shinar Directive, we journeyed down the Luciferian rabbit hole to discover the matrix of darkness that has engulfed our planet. The stark truth of how esoteric societies have labored for millennia to alter our perception of reality and bring us into a pseudo‐captivity is quite alarming. The wide reception of his first book has caused believers around the world to shake off their techno‐sorcery induced, spiritual coma and realize just how close we are to the fulfillment of Nimrod’s dark directive.”





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  1. Wow! You have an arsenal available on your website..
    Thank you for sharing 🙂
    God Bless ~Psalm 91~ Because we love Him!

  2. Wow! In prayer with you here – the LORD must be keeping us in step with you – thanks seems insufficient – Im yad al helev (with hand on heart)

  3. Thank you. Thank you. I have listened to the whole 3 hours. I scatteredly follow all three of you as much as I can. I was taught, encouraged and challenged by this presentation. I am on board with the fight that we will repent so that Gods glory will come even a little bit.
    I am Canadian but have children in the US.
    Again thank you

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