KIB 81 – Two Fathers | Two Kingdoms
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
In this episode, Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake peel back the supernatural curtain over our reality to reveal there are two fathers and two kingdoms. Our conflict is about a loving Creator/Father that is warring with an illegal, self-appointed kidnapping evil foster father. And the Kingdom of God vs. the kingdom of darkness. These two fathers and their kingdoms are compared, and then they discuss how we can stand in the completed work of Messiah to drive out the illegitimate father and his kingdom out of our lives. These truths are essential, if we are going to learn to walk in victory.
Dr. Michael Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary and is the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and the soon to be released book, The Sheeriyth Imperative.
Mary Lou Lake has worked side-by-side with her husband in ministry for over 30 years, and it the author of the book, What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.
Thanking God that I found you guys, My comment below is far too long but I took a chance and wrote it anyway. Don’t feel you have to read it all, just remember an old warrior is praying for you.
I love this teaching because I see more and more a defeated Bride than an overcoming Bride. She has not yet come to recognize her authority over the enemy, nor has she fully allowed the Holy Spirit to use her in His Giftings.
Thankfully she is finally opening her eyes to see the mess she is in and understand the power that’s been given her to defeat the enemy by the Word, the Name and the Blood of Jesus Christ.
My mind is boggled when I read John 14 as Jesus says that those who believe on Him, not only will we do His works, but greater works will we do. It is hard for me to conceive that this is possible, but if the Lord says so then it is so.
John 14:12-14King James Version (KJV)
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
I Love to hear the anointing flow between you. What a blessing you have been to this old battle worn intercessor. Your teachings have been a blessing to me. I had to study and understand occult signs and their meanings years ago and this past 2 years its been freemasonry signs. Little did I know they are everywhere I look. I see occult hand signs, business signs, University signs, Christian University signs, Network signs in both secular and Christian programs, medical containers, TV commercials and programs, clothing,books, music, shoes ,and children’s programs. All in plain sight of the church but she didn’t see. Years ago the Lord gave me a vision and a warning to our chuch. The subject was Mystery Babylon, New World Order, the Pope , The Vatican , Saturn occult signs and corrupt nations and leaders. All from a visison of the Planet Saturn, the 6th planet fromt he earth, with 6 moons. I saw Saturn shake violently and 1/3 of it was torn away. When I went to the Hubble Site to see what I could learn about this planet I was blown away at what I saw at the north and south poles of this planet. At one end was the All seeing eye of Osiris and the other end was a hexagram. Both poles displayed extremely violent storms yet the eye nor the hexagram changed their shapes. Then the Holy Spirit led me back to the Vatican and made the connection. It’s said that all roads lead to Rome but its a wide and easy road. I have chosen the straight and narrow road to the Lord. It’s been an amazing journey all of these years and few would believe the things that have happened in my life or the miracles that the Lord has done on my behalf.
Somehow I think you would.
I have been called to be a watchman for the Lord. I know how hard it is and how hated it is by the enemy. Be encouraged today that what you are doing is truly a desperately needed and timely calling of God. It is time for the bride to awaken and see that she has been living in the midst of Babylon and the Lord is callig her to come out.
For a long time I have been giving warnings to my church about what is ahead.
This calling has been hard on me and has taken a great toll on my physical body but the Lord always brings me through and leads me to the next plan, the next vision, the next Word and the next focus of prayer. A lot of which is for the suffering, the lost and for His Bride.
I came close to being killed by the enemy years ago during a church production called “Hell House”. I was asked by our Pastor to be in charge of intercession during that time.
I was uneasy in my spirit about the choice of this production, but was new to the church I wanted to help. Being an intercessor is natural for me as I care so much about the suffering of others, especially children. Oh how I’ve wept over the murder and abuse of these precious babies.
We never saw the fruit of that production. The first one was was held the weekend before holloween which is a time of great evil. Tragically, I found out later that a young teenage boy traveling with his church group was killed while crossing the street to our church. This tragedy Should have been a wake up call for our Pastor and deacons. but it wasn’t. I wasn’t a member of the church during the first production but was for the second.
All hell broke loose in our church during the second production and every person involved in the skits from a staged funeral to suicide , to abortion, to domestic violence, including the men playing the demons and satan. They all came under supernatural demonic attack. The young man playing Jesus in the last room manifested a demon and spoke to me as I passed through in prayer. I rebuked him and told him no one could take the place of Jesus and His work at the Cross. Later this man seduced a young woman in our church. I had already warned the parents.
The final night we had a warlock and a coven of witches come through the line and my pastor commented that the warlock thought our depiction of hell was realistic. That comment alone should have been a WAKE UP CALL!!
I knew something was wrong when one after another, church members sent word for us to pray as they were under attack. Hello!! You’d a thunk we’d have gotten the message by now. But no. It was more about making a name for our church than listening to the plan of God.
We all make mistakes, but this was a big one. These demonic spirits followed my husband and I home on the last night.
We were both exhausted and went straight to bed. Suddenly my eyes opened. I turned and looked through our open bedroom door and saw an eerie greenish white light coming from our den. I could not move or speak. I was paralyzed. Then I felt an entity come into the room and press on my chest and I could not breathe. My mind screamed “GOD HELP ME.” Three times the entity came into our room and tried to stop me from breathing. Paralyzed, and unable to speak, all I could do was wait. The third time I screamed in my mind
Immediately the light was gone and I was gasping for breath. For several days afterward, demons would enter in through our garage door as my husband was leaving. They began to bump my bed, speak in familiar voices I knew as living family members and make noises in other areas of our home. I went to battle. It was a daily cleansing, but first I repented for having been a part of this evil production that was against the Will of God. My Pastor thought he was doing something “for” God but it was not “from” God. The result of which was the death of a young man, a tormented congregation .
Every member of that production came under supernatural demonic attack. There lives and their homes were in chaos.
The Lord always warns before he whips. God sent me with a Word for my Pastor several weeks before the production. All the Lord would allow me to ask was one question, to listen for the answer, and say nothing else.
The question was, ” Is this the plan of the Lord?”
My pastor’s answer was . “I believe the Lord will support this production because we want to see souls saved.”
I was grieved in my spirit over his answer as I knew the Lord’s hand of protection would not be over us. Even so I asked the Lord if I could intercede on behalf of my brothers and sisters in the Lord. He let me make the choice and I went because I feared for them.
God may have allowed me to warn my Pastor if he had said, “No, we did not prayerfully consult with the Lord regarding this production.
Even so, the Lord knew what my Pastor’s answer would be because He knew his heart.
My Pastor is a good man and I love both he and his precious wife. We have all come so far and matured so much in the things of the Lord. Would that I could warn others of the folly of self made plans of men and “THE PLANS OF GOD.”
Psalm 33:11
But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.
Proverbs 16:1
To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the proper answer of the tongue.
You are fulfilling the plan of God and my spirit bears witness to God’s Truth in your teachings. I know that conformation of God’s Word is essential in every Word we hear, every vision we have and every lesson we teach. For such a time as this, God has called you and I am so thankful for you both.
Until the Lord comes, the battle is daily and the armor is so important. Thank you for reminding us of that.
I hear the heart’s cry of Christ for His Bride from you both.
I will lift up your hands in prayer when you are weary while you rest on the Rock and pray for your strength to finish the race. May the Lord Cover you and your family with His Wings, keeping you all safe in His loving arms. And may you find refuge and rest in Him always.
I bowed my head and asked the Lord for a Word to encourage you both today. In the reading below, I believe He is confirming something already in your spirits.
Please read Isaiah 48
In God’s Love,
Your sister in Christ Jesus
Billie Robertson