SRLC Fall 2023 Conference Session 7 – Dr. Michael K. Lake
Tag: end-time prophecy
SRLC Fall 2023 Conference Session 6 – Pastor Paul Begley
SRLC Fall 2023 Conference Session 5 – Walking in Authority with Dr. Mike Spaulding
SRLC Fall 2023 Conference – Session 4 with Pastor Paul Begley
You Have Come into the Kingdom for Such a Time as This – Purim 2020 (Audio Version)
The Kingdom and Messianic Expectations Understanding the Kingdom Series | Biblical Life TV UTK75
There are many parallels between the times in which the New Testament was written and today. Persecution under the harsh hand of Rome produced Messianic expectations. It was those expectations and their realization that brought the miracles we see throughout the Book of Acts. Some of the most powerful prophecies of Isaiah were in times of great terror, but the Almighty delivered His people. What are our expectations today: darkness or the Kingdom? Yes, the Luciferian elite has their plans, but so does Almighty God. Proper expectations allow the believer to tap into the power of God for our generation!
The Kingdom: Temporal and Spiritual Realities in Dynamic Tension
The Laodicean nature of the Church in the Western world has caused the Body of Messiah to lose sight of the Kingdom. There is a dynamic tension of the Kingdom within and Mystery Babylon without that the Church must understand and deal with. Until this is accomplished within the Westernized Church, we will not be able to move in Kingdom power as revealed in the New Testament. There is a paradigm adjustment coming to Remnant that will result in an end-time explosion of Kingdom power!
Developing Functional Faith Part 1 & 2
In developing functional faith in the Kingdom, it is essential for the believer to have the correct perception of the full council of God’s Word and exactly what it means to live by faith. In this session, Dr. Michael Lake examines both of these concepts from a balanced, Kingdom position and introduces the believer for the need of a software upgrade through meditating and acting upon God’s Word as empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Shavuot – The God Who Speaks – Part 2
Shavuot is a time of remembering . . . and it is not limited to just Act 2. There is a biblical continuity of Shavuot that starts in the Torah and runs through the New Testament. The book of Hebrews warns us to never refuse the voice of God (Him who speaks). The voice of God is also connected to correction and the coming shaking. To be prepared for life and the unfolding of Bible prophecy, we must hear the voice of Him who speaks in our generation!
KIB 214 – Preparing for the Fire of God
Shavuot is just a few weeks away. Between Jesus’ ascension and the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, there were ten days in which the disciples tarried in Jerusalem. These faithful followers of Jesus were doing more than just hanging out in the Upper Room eating donuts and drinking coffee: They were preparing their hearts for the fire of God! Dr. Mike and Mary Lou Lake discuss how the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel is a perfect example of preparing for the fire of God and all that goes along with it. Now is the time to prepare and be open to what God is going to do next!