SkyWatch TV Episode 1: The Shinar Directive Part 1 with Dr. Tom Horn and Dr. Michael Lake
The first episode of SkyWatch TV features Dr. Tom Horn and Dr. Michael Lake discussing the new book, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition.
In the ancient plains of Shinar, an evil was born: the first world king, the prototype transhuman, the ultimate despot, the Son of Perdition—Nimrod. In Babylon, the Son of Perdition devised the Shinar Directive: the enslaving of humanity and the war against the God of Heaven. God’s intervention at the Tower of Babel only delayed Nimrod’s hellish plans. As the powers of Mystery Babylon gather to create the new Tower of Babel and to prepare for the Son of Perdition’s return, Heaven is issuing a clarion call to the Remnant: Know the strategies of the enemy, untangle yourself from them, and become the victorious Church!
Thank you! Can’t wait til Part Two. Very informative.
received the pkg. wish the books were able to be viewed in pdf. I’m 92 years old and need a big screen to see. one page of a book or two pages would fill the 40 inch screen and be readable. I like Skywatch TV, and follow Gary Steraman and Prophecy Watchers
I know that Defender Publishing uses a larger font than most publishers for their books, which I have always been grateful for. To my understanding, they are not releasing the book in PDF. However, I do understand that the book will be available in Kindle format around the first of March.