Shining Light in Darkness and Influencing Others While Holding a Line of Truth | Chad Schafer and Dr. Michael Lake

Shining Light in Darkness and Influencing Others While Holding a Line of Truth | Chad Schafer and Dr. Michael Lake

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Disputed Lands w/ Chad Schafer on NYSTV Shining Light in Darkness and Influencing Others While Holding a Line of Truth with special guests Dr. Michael Lake (Biblical Life Seminary) and Jon Pounders (NYSTV) Join us as we discuss being a light on the hill. How can we hold the line of truth while being a blessing and loving at the same time? Peace through turmoil, strength in unity, love in truth, grace in anger and mercy in forgiveness are dynamic principles that need to be understood to reach the world.

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  1. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! I have been learning through God’s Word how God wants not only our hearts but our actions and thoughts and heart attitudes to line up with His ways over the past year as I’ve been reading my Bible. I read Dr. Michael Lake’s book on Dietary Laws this winter and how it is relevant to our lives. My husband was asked a question about this during a study of Deuteronomy and he responded with his convictions, which happen to support the ideas in this book. The push back has been strong and passionate and it has been challenging to communicate our thoughts and listen to theirs in an open dialogue. I am so blessed to hear your words and I just want to say thank you! God has been eliminating idols in my life as I have repented and, with the Holy Spirit’s help, continued walking yielded to God. I’ve had a recent spiritual warfare nightmare but God has helped me come to the solution during the dream and helped me escape the evil before me. God has been protecting me. He told me in my spirit to pray for my protection in the morning of two days this past 12 months. I obeyed and God proceeded to increase my discernment and prepare me for what I would encounter. Because of this I was able to avoid and escape two attempted assaults on my life that took place hours later on both of those days. He did not tell me to avoid where these would take place, but He equipped me and helped me escape. I’m so grateful to be learning and walking closer to God, though not perfectly, of course. THANK YOU once again, Dr. Michael Lake for speaking exactly to the situation I am in the very week you share it! I was recently frustrated and discouraged that the victory and life I am trying to share that I have been learning, that is tied closely to obeying and walking closely to God, can be available to all Christians. Many do not seem to want to hear this kind of freedom. However, I am once again greatly encouraged by your post this week (this interview)! This happens every week I listen to your KIB podcasts-I hear exactly what I am going through in some way from what you share you are going through (or what God has been teaching you and your wife) and I feel so encouraged. SO THANKFUL!!! Praying for you all. Peace be with you!

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