Prophetic Words and Spiritual Warfare for Fall 2015

KIB M and M Edition Podcast

KIB 50 – Prophetic Words and Spiritual Warfare for Fall 2015
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast

podcast_logo_2Jubilee Episode. Dr. Michael and Mary Lake are back for a power-filled broadcast. A clear call is being given to God’s people to prepare for deliverance and a new level of Spiritual Warfare. Prophetic words are included in this episode: to warn and encourage the Remnant and to judge the Luciferian Elite. One of the most powerful podcasts the Lakes have done so far!

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  1. Just wanted to let you know that this podcast was very insightful for me. It encouraged me to continue to fight for my family and to stand firmly with God for my husband.

  2. extremely inspiring. Please pray for spiritually deaf ears to be opened so others might also hear this.

  3. I praise God for this sobering wake up call. I thank God that He has led you two to couragously address the REAL issues impacting God’s people today. I praise God that He has led you to speak plainly about the developments in the world that are most affecting and endangering God’s people. I thank God that He has enabled you to understand, articulate, and broadcast so well so much of what God’s people are REALLY facing at this hour and what the stakes are in this fast developing battle. I am new to your ministry (your podcasts and your books)as of just a few weeks ago! Your ministry is prooving an incredible answer to my prayers for more understanding and focus in my walk with God. It has helping me to realize how vital it is purge myself of unforgiveness and other things that give the enemy an easy foothold into our lives. It’s helped me to understand the need to pray for personal deliverance from subtle demonic forces and win ground I didn’t sense I had lost. It’s also empowering me to pray much for the deliverance of all God’s people right now around the world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being faithful and courageous servants of our God with the message He’s given you. Your example are an incredible encouragement as well. Praise be to God alone. I pray that God will continue to abundantly protect you, empower you, and increase the effect of your ministry so many times over, so as to miraculously reach His beloved children, wherever they may be, setting them free, empowering them, and preparing them for all that is coming upon the world, in Jesus’ name.

  4. A truly anointed message – thank you both. Mary mentioned those who claim they have received messages or had encounters with the dead. This is what stopped me from listening to Perry Stone. On his Manna fest programme , he interviewed his father about a supernatural visit from his dead friend, being taken up into heaven etc.None of this was rebuked -rather the opposite -scriptures were used to support this experience. Thank you both for your faithfulness to the whole counsel of GOD. May GOD continue to guide you both in His truth.

  5. I praise God for this sobering wake up call. I thank God that He has led you two to couragously address the REAL issues impacting God’s people today. I praise God that He has led you to speak plainly about the developments in the world that are most affecting and endangering God’s people.

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