New BLCS Enrollment Requirements
Effective August 1, 2016
1. Complete enrollment application
2. Include transcripts of all previous education
3. Three letters of recommendation
4. Application essay
Essay must be typed: 12-point font with line spacing of 1.5. Essay should be between four to eight pages in length.
In your essay, detail the following:
1. How teachings through Biblical Life TV, the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcasts, and/or books written by Dr. Michael Lake have affected your life and walk with God.
2. Describe your salvation experience.
3. Detail your call to ministry.
4. Share why you feel that an education through Biblical Life College and Seminary will enhance your walk.
Interesting. I was just thinking the other day how the only college I’ve ever attended that had an essay requirement for admission was my almamater, Prairie Bible Institute. Then I see this. 🙂