KWR-0005 Becoming a Kingdom Warrior

KWR-0005 Becoming a Kingdom Warrior

Kingdom War Room

Mystery Babylon has been busy with the past few generations.  Through a witch’s brew of hormone disruptors, social engineering, emotions-based mind control techniques, and political correctness, the Luciferian Elite has emasculated male headship and taken the Body of Christ far away from the shores of biblical soundness.  Yet, the Almighty is raising up skilled men and women of God with an anointed expertise in vital areas to restore strength and Kingdom Warrior spirit within the Remnant.  Omega Dynamics lays the groundwork to release a new class of Kingdom Warriors for the Last Days.

Dr. Michael Lake, representing the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing and Biblical Life TV.

Dr. Michael Spaulding, who is the teaching pastor of Calvary Chapel of Lima, OH, the author of Make the Preaching Great Again, and the host of Soaring Eagle Radio and Dr. Mike Live.  Mike’s website is

Jamie Walden, author of Omega Dynamics:  Equipping a Warrior Class of Christians for the Days Ahead.  Jamie is a Marine Corps Infantry Sergeant, Police Officer, Firefighter/Paramedic Specialist, Tactical Medic, and Disaster Response Specialist turned Missionary, researcher, and author.  Jamie’s Website is:

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