KIB 61: Kingdom Order and Spiritual Manifestations Part 2
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast

Dr. Michael K. Lake in the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary, and the author of the best-selling book, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition.
Mary Lou Lake is the co-host of the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing, and the author of “What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition.”
I’m so glad you spoke about so called Christian rock. My spirit also rejects this as worship and if you listen to John Todd he says that the demonic power is embedded in the guitar melody.
“All of Missouri could be destroyed and there would be one road leading to my house.” AMEN! That, brothers and sisters, is the Elohim that we serve!
Bravo! HalleluYAH, & Shalom. I so enjoy hearing and learning from both of you. I have been perplexed over the in- fighting over the ‘correct’ way to pronounce the names, YHWH and Y’shua in HRM. I am so proud and joyful to be acquainted with a powerful married duo who genuinely kept, walk and talk the two most important Commandments Messiah taught. May ABBA continue to richly bless you both in Jesus Mighty name, Amein!
Dr. Lake: Thank you both for addressing some of the problems in the HRM. We have new congregation and unfortunately Talmudic, Kabbalist, and rabbinic heresy followed us. But most of our leaders really understand the need to put Yeshua and the Brit back as the focal point of our congregational meetings. My husband and I are trying to educate ourselves regarding the 3 mentioned problems, and address them as heresy when opportunity opens. Anyway, have you done a series of teachings on the Messianic Movement and it blessings as well as it’s problems? At least we aren’t dealing with the two house movement…….yet.
We have been teaching balance for nearly two decades. As I shared in the podcast, once I complete “The Sheeriyth Imperative,” I will then develop a book entitled, “How to Embrace Your Hebraic Heritage without Falling off a Clift.” You may also be interested in the books by a BLCS graduate and dear friend, Dr. John Garr. John is quite prolific and one of the most balanced and thorough researchers I have ever met. Just do a search by his name on Amazon. He has around 15 books in print at this time with 6 more being planned for next year. Blessings! Dr. Lake